PUA Tips: Top 5 dating tips on early signs you are in a toxic relationship

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I did a similar piece about how to know if you are in toxic relationship before, but I was more-so speaking to those that have been in a relationship for awhile already. Now this time around I thought I would help those of you that are just forming or about to form a relationship with a prospective partner. The following signs are what I think you all should look out for before proceeding further with any woman you are considering becoming more serious with…

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1) Quickly fall hard for the person.

If you find yourself thinking about this person too often and can’t get on well without them popping into your mind, then this is clearly toxic. You need to be able to function normally, otherwise it is clearly not a healthy situation for anyone. So if you feel a massive amount of infatuation, you might want to consider giving the 2 of you some time off or a break to get your bearings back.

2) They give you verbal warnings.

Another subtle sign to look out for is when a girl you’re seeing is throwing warnings at you. This means she’s telling you things like she’s hard to be with or just stating something like she’s not good with relationships. If she is giving you warnings, then it’s for a good reason – so listen to those warnings and cut it short before you get hurt.

Sometimes girls will stay with guys they don’t really want because they are too afraid to hurt them. Don’t let yourself fall into this trap, there are not many things more emotionally painful than unrequited love.

3) Partner doesn’t want to meet your friends.

Usually when someone really likes you, they want to be part of your life. They are also more willing to do things for you if asked. So it makes plenty of sense why you should view her not wanting to meet your friends as a red flag. What this shows is that she doesn’t value you as much as she should and will just lead to her taking and you giving the whole relationship. To make a long story short, stay away from takers.

4) Unforgivable behavior.

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a girl out with a guy, then at the end of the night that same guy is still standing right next while she makes out with another dude. Yet, he ends up staying right there with her til the end of the night as he accompanies his belligerent girlfriend back home; like the noble man he thinks he’s being.

First off, you shouldn’t be with a girl that gets this drunk to begin with and second of all you definitely shouldn’t be with a girl that is going to kiss other guys in front of you. I don’t think I need to describe what unforgivable behavior is; anything that is extremely offensive is all. If she does it once, then she’ll do it again.

5) You find yourself feeling jealous.

If you’re with a girl that doesn’t understand how to behave with a man that they are with, then it might be a good time to leave. A lot of women these days – especially American women – think that it’s alright to talk with other men when out with their guy. Unless you’re into 3-ways this is a big red flag.

If a girl you are courting is constantly trying to make you jealous, she needs a psychiatrist, not a boyfriend. Our job is not to give a woman the attention her parents failed to give her – our job is to find a woman that values us and respects us. It’s pretty cut and dry – she either appreciates the time spent with a man or she doesn’t and if she is talking to other guys, then she clearly doesn’t respect or appreciate you in her life.


Taking note of all these things will keep you from falling into the trap of unrequited love. Yes it may be difficult to let go of a beautiful woman at times, but it will pay off in the long run. Well, that’s all for today, thanks for reading and enjoy the weekend!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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Top 5 dating tips for a toxic relationship
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Top 5 dating tips for a toxic relationship
In this article you're going to learn how to identify a toxic relationship.
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