PUA Tips: Submissive body language 101

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S-design-1 pua pictureome of you that are experienced – meaning 50 or more lays with good looking women (That weren’t online hookups.) – may have noticed that women tend to be more submissive to men they are attracted to. Meaning they will potentially have sex with you at some point without too much hesitation, because they ultimately want it too.

So if you already know this fact, then it makes it a little easier to get laid – as long as you know what signs, or cues, are submissive body language. So I’ve decided to list a few below for all of your viewing pleasure…

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Cue 1: Touching you

Not too long ago I met a hot latin girl… from the moment I sat down she was pushing her legs into me. It may not be surprising to know that she went home with me not long after that, and I still am hooking up with her every Monday to this day.

So in short, any kind of blatant physical contact whether it be feeling on your arms, grabbing your hands, pushing her body against yours – means she is probably down to hookup (If not right then; eventually.). So keep this in mind the next time you find yourself in this situation.

Cue 2: Laughing at all your jokes:

This is a fairly obvious one, people are more likely to accept someone they find attractive. So a sure sign of acceptance is laughing at jokes; whether they are funny or not.

If you run into this type of situation, then all you have to do is not look too thirsty and just get a couple of things done before it’s time to get busy. The first is the kiss, then an intense make-out. Ask her if she likes kissing you, and if she says yes, then wait another 3-4 minutes. After a few minutes you simply ask, “Want to come back to my place?” That’s all it takes 80% of the time.

Cue 3: Going wherever / Doing whatever you want:

I think it’s a given that when a girl is up to go somewhere with you, kiss you or pretty much is down with anything you try; then it’s safe to say she likes you. The act of her being submissive – or doing what you want in stead of what she wants – is basically submissive body language in a nutshell.

And there you are…

This is all key information and if you didn’t know this already, then you’re probably going to start getting laid a lot more now. Well, that’s all I got for today! Thanks for reading and remember to keep going out!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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