PUA Tips: Top 5 dating tips for guys who have been gaming awhile without results

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W-design-1 pua picturehen some of you got into the game, you probably expected to become a master seducer within the first couple of years or so. Unfortunately for many of you (Including myself.) it didn’t progress that way.

In stead I had to learn for much more than 2 years, something like 5-6, until I started to see the matrix. Now it’s in every aspect of my life and yes I have conquered approach anxiety; which is possible.

So I’m taking the time to share my own input on the 5 most important things you need to focus on in order to start seeing massive results – which are listed below…

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1) Lack of Style.

One thing that women pay attention to is a guy’s sense of style. So if you look like you don’t put thought into how you look, then it will show in your style.

I gamed a long time without really caring, but one day I just thought to myself “What the hell” and decided to put more thought into it. Low and behold I’m having more women come up to me on their own. So basically changing up my look made the attraction process half as hard.

If you are like I was and overlook this, then it just might be one of your sticking points. So in short, don’t neglect your style.

2) Lack of Health.

For me, these days are way more focused on health than anything. Now that I’m so knowledgeable about women – I want to make sure I can enjoy this new-found freedom for as long as possible.

It’s amazing what a healthy state of mind can do for your life. Tons of energy leading to more intriguing conversations and tons of energy leading to tons of hot times between the sheets as well. So get your diet in check fast. I personally suggest looking into the Keto (Short for ketogenic.) diet.

As for fitness… get a gym membership and start working out at least 3 times a week. Do an hour of weights, then finish it off with a 30 minute walk. If you don’t know how to lift weights, do a few sessions with a trainer until you have a good routine figured out and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

3) Lack of Escalation.

Now escalation is a tough skill to master. Not for the technical aspects, but because most men feel like creeps trying to touch a girl.

The truth is that women naturally become submissive to men they are attracted to. Consider it some sort of biological programming created through generations of evolution.

Basically when the female mind analyzes a potential mate and deems him good enough – subconsciously and/or consciously – they naturally become willing to submit to his advances. So the only way you can ever find out if a woman sees you as a suitable mate is by trying to sleep with her.

So trying to sleep with her would look something like:

You approaching her and having a normal conversation. Maybe asking her where she’s from and telling her where you’re from. Then you may judge her level of interest by how excited she becomes when you tell her these things; or maybe just by how excited she is to talk with you. If she is smiling – that’s is always a good sign.

Now you got her smiling and impressed by you. Next step could be suggesting she come to another part of the bar where it’s not as noisy or outside with you for a smoke. I’ve had women come outside with me that didn’t smoke before – just to accompany me. If a girl likes you, she’ll be willing to follow you almost anywhere.

Once you get her isolated, then you can move in to kiss. Your kiss has a lot of power so figure out what women like – all you have to do is ask them.

When she gives you the kiss, make sure it is good and do it until she’s breathing hard. After she’s breathing hard grab her butt firmly. From here you can go close to the Vag. If she isn’t pushing your hand away, go for fingering.

If a girl lets you finger her, you might as well try to bang her in the bathroom somewhere. If that’s not an option, then ask her if she lives close by. If that’s neither an option, then tell her, “Let’s go to my place.” I promise you she will most likely say yes.

Remember even a pervert that tries to make the moves on every woman he sees is going to get laid more often than an exceptional looking guy that just sits around and expects women to fall out of the sky.

4) Lack of Logistics.

Yes – this is a skill you need to get in check and I’ll break in down for all of you. First off, you need to make sure you are always at least a 15 minute cab ride from your place; whether gaming on weekends or when out on dates.

Sometimes girls just aren’t willing to leave with a guy they just met. However they will still go to first or second base (Fingering, ass-grabbing, etc.). When you see this – like I mentioned earlier – just try to take her to a bathroom. I know some awesome clubs here in NYC that have cool, clean and large bathrooms that are also unisex; can’t get any more convenient for hooking up than that. Just look around and you’ll find something like this – especially if you live in a big city.

5) Lacking Social skills.

What are social skills?

Good question… I’ll categorize it for you now. Social skills are comprised of, but not limited to, your ability to tell stories, your sense of humor, your demeanor, your level of confidence, your level of comfort in social situations and many more.

For starters, the most important things to focus on are your ability to tell stories and your ability to be funny. I’ll cover these now…

Funny stories or jokes:

You can easily learn a few jokes; there are plenty online. Remember nothing sexist, racist, political or just stupid.

For me personally, I might just tell a story like, “One time I was in Japan and I was in club with a few expats. All of the security were telling everyone to leave and the drunk British guy in our group decides to tell them to fuck off. Next thing I know I see this whole group of skinny Japanese guys come in and literally lift the guy off the floor all the way to the entrance. The guy was a big dude too – he was like 6’3″ at least. That was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen”

This is why I advise people to travel. When you travel your acquire so many hilarious experiences that you can go on for hours and never run out of shit to talk about.

So that about breaks it down for today…

If you have been gaming for awhile and feel like you are still not getting shit done, then take note of what I wrote above. Read it and read it again. Don’t procrastinate and remember to always be pushing your comfort zone. So that’s all I got today, thanks for your support and keep going out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 tips for overcoming depression

depression pickup picture

PUA Picture am not exactly the most depressed person in the world, but every now and again I do feel the blues. When this happens I just sit back and think about a few things that I may need to work on to make myself feel better. Usually when I realize what it is I’m lacking, and work on it, then I always begin to feel like my normal, happier self. I’ve listed the most important building blocks to feeling better below…

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1) Clean up your diet.

This right here is not just important, but should be a virtue. If you think you are going to be able to eat crap and feel like a million bucks all the time, then I got some bad news for you.

It’s necessary that you eat healthy and stay away from processed shit that you’ll find in pretty much all fast food. If you have a gut, then work on losing it. Always work toward becoming a healthier, better version of yourself.

2) Work out.

Accompanied with the dieting should be a healthy amount of physical activity. I suggest 3 times a week. A good hour with weights or some kind of intense muscle working activity, then a nice 20 minute walk after. Don’t forget to stretch before and after as well.

3) Cut down on partying.

Just like number 1, if you are putting garbage inside your body, then don’t expect to feel ready to conquer the world. I personally believe most of that “feel good sensation” we have when we aren’t depressed, just comes from energy. And if you are keeping your health in check, then you’ll have lots of energy.

4) Get a girlfriend.

In my opinion, I think everyone needs at least 1-2 women that they see every week on the regular. If you are just whacking it all the time and not having any real female intimacy (Sex.), then of course you’ll feel like a loser.

We are biological machines that have needs to run optimally. One of these needs is sex, so it is your job to figure out how to keep it coming in and it’s my job to teach you. So listen up!

5) Travel.

I know a few of my friends don’t have any desire to travel and are completely content in life. Nevertheless, if you aren’t content with your life, then why not at least try it. For me, travelling is my favorite hobby. If I could I would travel all year. I’ve never experienced anything more fulfilling.

I guarantee you will come back asking yourself why you even felt bad in the first place. It’s hard to feel bad when there are so many mindblowing places to visit on this planet. All with beautiful women wanting to sleep with you because you’re intriguingly different from what they are used to.


Remember these five things the next time you begin to feel a little depressed. I bet you anything that you are lacking something from at least one of them. When you realize what it is, then change it. It’s not difficult, you just need to discipline yourself. So that’s it for today, now go out and meet some women!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 signs you’re with a cheater

Cheater pickup picture

S-design-1 pua pictureo over the years I’ve been lucky enough to bed over 100 women, and thanks to this boat-load of experience, I am now a lot more pickier than I was. Thanks to this I am almost always picking girls that stay around for awhile and who love to have sex with me; which is important to me in a relationship.

Among some of the qualities I value, loyalty is one that I am going to discuss today. So today I am going to share some patterns I’ve noticed over the years that almost always lead to women that cheat. The following are listed below…

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1) She has a history of cheating.

If somehow you get word from a not-so loyal firend of hers – with women this is common – then let that be a quick red-flag. You don’t have to breakup with her, but just keep her around for purely recreational purposes; if you get what I mean. No point wasting good sex over a few little flaws.

2) She often hangs out with women less attractive than her.

One of my player uncles used to tell me to be wary of women that can’t muster the confidence to befriend people prettier or just as pretty as them. This usually leads to an excessive, unhealthy need for attention – so in essence a cheater. It makes sense if you really think about it.

3) One of her parents cheated.

I never really gave this much thought, but now that I feel I have a pretty good grasp on human psychology, this observation has become very apparent. So If your current woman has divorced parents or has one or more parents that has cheated, then it may be a good idea not to get too attached.

4) Her friends cheat.

This has happened to me a few times actually. I’ll be chilling one day with my girl and her friends and next thing you know her girlfriend is rambling on about how she is fucking three different guys at the same (Has 3 boyfriends.). The next thing I know, I found out a week later that my girl is doing the same.

It’s quite ridiculous actually… women will throw it in your face a million times, but many men are so afraid to see the truth that they’ll convince themselves that she’s the most innocent and loyal woman on Earth. It’s sad but the world can be a very sad place – especially if you are too much of a coward to see the truth.

5) She’s very jealous.

There is this old adage that goes like, “Hurt people will hurt people.”

Where do you think jealousy comes from?

It comes from pain and those that are unable to let go of that pain and allow themselves to be healed will always hurt others. One of the ways you can tell if you are with a hurt person is through jealousy. So don’t be a fool and allow yourself to stay with someone like this.

So that is about it…

Just keep in mind that the majority of women are going to be shit. Keep your emotions to yourself and don’t get attached to just anyone. You should get to know people gradually and don’t just let someone in all at once. So that’s my message for this week, remember to go out and meet some women this weekend!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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