PUA Tips: Introduction to First Principles Thinking

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S-design-1 pua pictureo today I am going to cover an innovative form of thinking that has been made popular by Elon Musk. This form of thinking is known as “First principles thinking”.

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First Principles Thinking: The first basis from which a thing is known.

Now this may seem a bit confusing to some of you, but this method of thinking is basically thinking like a scientist. So let’s say you have a dream or goal that you want to achieve.

How would you go about achieving it?

If you want to be a lawyer, then you may think about going the traditional route and spending a long time going to school for it. This is known as anological thinking and this is how most of us are used to thinking. So we look at what has been done for generations, then rinse and repeat.

However, you don’t have to go to school to become an attorney; at least in some states. Among one of these states is California. All you need to do is pass the Bar Exam.

So let’s say you are bent on becoming an attorney with minimal time and as efficiently as possible. Now you are beginning to think from the First Principles paradigm.

First Principles Thinking Example:

So the problem at hand is just to become an attorney. The first principle question is… how can I become an attorney as quickly and efficiently as possible?

The most realistic solution is to move to a state where all you have to do is pass the Bar Exam.

Then of course, the next question is… how can I pass the Bar Exam?

The most realistic answer is to study your ass off and take practice tests that resemble this exam until you have reached the level for passing.

If you want to dive even further, then the next question will be… how can I obtain the necessary knowledge and information to pass the Bar?

And the most realistic answer would be to research material (Books, computer programs, phone apps, etc.) – obviously with good reviews – that will help your brain acquire the necessary data you need in order to pass the exam.

So in short…

You must ask yourself a lot of questions. You need to ask yourself as many questions as you can think of until you have none left. And of course you need answer all of these questions.

Once you have all of the questions answered, then you can proceed on to accomplishing whatever it is that you set off to achieve. So that’s about it for today! I hope I was able to help some of you with this brilliant concept. Thanks for reading and remember to keep pushing for the next level!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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