PUA Tips: Have better Sex with Marijuana

marijuana-for-sex pua picture

PUA Picture have something interesting for everyone reading this today… today I am going to talk about sex. Not only that but I am going to explain how to increase the quality of the sex you are having.

One of the main reasons many women stay with a man is because of how good he is in bed. Therefore if you can increase the level of pleasure she feels when with you, then you have a higher chance of keeping any woman you want around for a much longer period of time. So if you’ve never had an excuse to experiment with Marijuana before, then you do now.

According to this study (Read Study Here) Marijuana has a big impact on receptors in your brain that will increase the pleasure both you and your female friend will feel during sex. This means she will orgasm easier and even feel more intense pleasure when climaxing.

Sounds pretty cool right? All you need to do now is just convince her to take a hit of a joint.

Actually I’ve known this little fact about Marijuana for some time and haven’t really needed to read a study to realize it. Being a mild user myself… I can tell you from experience that it’s very beneficial introduce this semi-legal drug into the equation, but I do advise doing so with caution. Not all women can handle it and it might just turn her off completely if the weed is too strong.

So if you choose to go on this journey then I suggest getting to know the girl for awhile and don’t be overtly anxious to propose having a smoke. Instead date her for a month or so and get her comfortable having sex with you without it for awhile first. Make sure that you never go limp and if you have this problem then take something for it – there is a variety of herbal supplements that will give you a boost; I may cover this issue in a later article.

Following that don’t drink too much and if you do manage to convince her to smoke with you then don’t smoke too much yourself. For men Marijuana can have a very detrimental effect on keeping an erection.

If you do smoke before sex then I recommend having no more than 1 puff. If you aren’t used to it then that much might be too much as well. I suggest smoking on your own before to see where your level of tolerance is.

So that’s what I got…

I hope I was able to help some of you with this information. Now you have a new idea on how you can spicen up your sex life if it seems to be getting dull. Also if you are in a country where this substance is banned then please disregard, but if not, then have at it!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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