PUA Tips: 3 Signs of a Narcissist

3 Signs of a Narcissist:

PUA narcissist picture

I’m sure many of you are familiar with what a narcissist is and if you are just entering into the dating world, then you are probably going to meet a lot of them. I’ve learned after many years of gaming, that it is best to avoid these people; female or male. There is no good that can be accomplished if you choose to allow these kinds of people in your circle.

So today I bring a simple 3 ways to spot one, this way you can keep them out of your life for good.

#1-Sense of Entitlement:

PUA entitlement picture

This doesn’t apply to everyone, if a guy is exceptional at attracting beautiful women, then I expect them to feel a bit of entitlement. Especially if they are taking the time to game with others that are much below them in skill. On the other hand, if you are gaming with a guy that is going for gutter-trash and rarely has the balls to approach anything over a 7; then steer clear.

These kinds of people are the kinds of people that are giving PUA a bad rep and are living miserable lives in a miserable and delusional world. The best way to tell if you are gaming with the right crowd is by seeing pics of the quality of girls that your new wings are getting.

Now for women, they also have a sense of entitlement, but they are obviously not going to tell you up-front that they worship themselves. You are going to have to let their behavior tell you. One easy way to test for ‘entitlement’ is to ask them to get the next round; which can be the first test.

Many women that are somewhat conservative may just not believe in paying, but that doesn’t mean they won’t go to bed with you. So that’s why I have another test to follow… This test is simple… Pay attention to the number of times they choose to ‘pet their ego’ in conversation.

An example would be talking about themselves constantly; talking about themselves in a grandiose way. You know the basic crap that no one really wants to be around. These kinds of women are going to act as if they are doing you a favor by being on a date with you.

Many of the experienced guys may be reading this and be thinking that this is quite obvious. So I’m reaching out to the new guys. The truth is that if you aren’t that experienced with women, then it is not hard to get into a relationship with a female narcissist; in fact, they crave men like you. The reason you should refrain from being with a woman like this, is because it will clearly end in pain and potential heart-ache. The narcissist will never love you equally and will have an unhealthy craving for more attention than what is fair. Plus in the end it may damage you emotionally.

When I first got into pick-up I wasted 2 months on a girl that didn’t even sleep with me. Meanwhile, she had no problem planning where we were going to go and having me pay for everything.

In the end, I painfully left her and grew bitter towards women for a couple of years after. I also found out she had been sexually involved with someone the whole time we were seeing each other. Prior to that, I took out a lot of that frustration out on a lot of sweet women that were very good to me; which was not fair to them. I was verbally abusive and had the idea that all women were like this. My view of women had been jaded; as a result it became harder for me to form a healthy bond or have a meaningful relationship.


PUA Guilt-trip picture

Narcissists love to try and make people feel guilty for something. They may even try to guilt-trip you into paying for something; for example gas, alcohol, etc.

If you have a friend that is constantly trying to make you feel bad in order to get you to do something, then stay away from them. You may see this a lot with ‘Christians’ and self-righteous folk from other religions; which are filled to the brim with narcissistic people.

Whether you think you are better off than others, because you “do what’s right”; or whether you think you are better off because you just think you are better off doesn’t make any difference.

In your mind, you are still viewing yourself as above someone else; which is the essence of narcissism.

#3-Vengeful/ Spiteful:

PUA vengeful picture

This is pretty easy to spot and probably the narcissist’s most noticeable flaw. They will become very mad, very easily if they do not get their way. In many cases narcissists will make fun of people openly. They may even have a tendency to put others down on a regular basis. They may do this based on their form of dress, looks or someone’s behavior.

They may even say something about the way that you dress, look, behave, etc. When they do this, they may try to frame it as if they are trying to help you. However, they are just trying to make you insecure. They only do this because it satisfies the narcissist’s need to be looked up to or praised.

The moment a well-aware individual calls them out on their BS, then all hell breaks loose. All of a sudden this person becomes the narcissist’s worst enemy and he’ll become determined to turn everyone against this person. This person must be eliminated and coexistence is out of the question.

A narcissist can’t handle criticism and most definitely won’t tolerate being second best. They must be the shining star and there is no other option.

So now I will leave you all with this interesting study in the link below. The study is about how narcissism affects relationships in society today.

Click HERE to view study…

That’s all for today, thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newsletter!

-PUA Redsky

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