PUA Tips: Top 5 habits that will change your life

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S-design-1 pua pictureo awhile back I wrote a similar article, but I feel like it just grazed the surface of the importance of producing good habits. If you think about it deep enough, then you may come to the conclusion that good habits are the building blocks of a success lifestyle.

So that’s why I’ve put together a few of what I consider to be very valuable habits for everyone…

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1) Every month commit to a 30 day challenge.

Think long and hard about a habit that might benefit you. For some of you this, may be eating less junk or maybe just writing in a journal. After 30 days if you feel that this habit is helping, then keep it and start another challenge.

On the contrary, if it’s not helping, then throw it out. You don’t want to overcomplicate your life, simply try new things and see how they work for you. If they are having positive results, then continue. If not, then get rid of them; this goes for relationships as well.

2) Only celebrate success.

Many of us like to have an end of the week ritual where we go out and have a drink with some buddies. As normal as this may be, it can actually be problematic. You’ll get used to this and it will turn into more of an addiction than a celebration.

So I advise you to only go out when you’ve achieved something that you’ve been working for. For example, saving 10 grand or losing 20 pounds, etc. This way you aren’t just going out to go out. I guarantee you’ll enjoy the night 10 times more than if you were doing the same thing every week.

3) Only surround yourself with driven and successful people.

Some of you may be familiar with the adage…

“Your network is your networth.”

And that is exactly how the world works. If you are striving to improve the value of your network, you will notice your life improving in value as a side effect.

Don’t just sit around with the same people that you’ve known since you were a kid, unless they are striving to be great and are great. Life is too short not to take advantage of every opportunity that is within your grasp. So get to work and start looking for these people.

4) Actively look to befriend people smarter than you.

Another great adage I like is…

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”

Yes, it may be a nice ego boost, but life is about evolution and growth. Never stop growing and pursuing new heights. If you just allow yourself to become satisfied with a regular life, then it will seem to dull with time.

So actively pursue new acquaintances that will help you grow and realize a higher meaning of life. You are the company you keep.

5) Join and go to the gym 3 times a week.

I know I’m always saying this, but it’s key – never neglect exercise. Everything flows from fitness. Whether it be confidence, motivation or even mental stability. When you look good, you feel and you do good – plain and simple.


Following all this advice will allow you to solidify a more productive lifestyle and change your overall character as well. Habits are the building blocks of character, so if you are often thought of as someone with good character, then you most likely have good lifestyle habits also.

Well that’s all I’ve got for today, thanks for reading and don’t forget to keep hustling!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Introduction to First Principles Thinking

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S-design-1 pua pictureo today I am going to cover an innovative form of thinking that has been made popular by Elon Musk. This form of thinking is known as “First principles thinking”.

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First Principles Thinking: The first basis from which a thing is known.

Now this may seem a bit confusing to some of you, but this method of thinking is basically thinking like a scientist. So let’s say you have a dream or goal that you want to achieve.

How would you go about achieving it?

If you want to be a lawyer, then you may think about going the traditional route and spending a long time going to school for it. This is known as anological thinking and this is how most of us are used to thinking. So we look at what has been done for generations, then rinse and repeat.

However, you don’t have to go to school to become an attorney; at least in some states. Among one of these states is California. All you need to do is pass the Bar Exam.

So let’s say you are bent on becoming an attorney with minimal time and as efficiently as possible. Now you are beginning to think from the First Principles paradigm.

First Principles Thinking Example:

So the problem at hand is just to become an attorney. The first principle question is… how can I become an attorney as quickly and efficiently as possible?

The most realistic solution is to move to a state where all you have to do is pass the Bar Exam.

Then of course, the next question is… how can I pass the Bar Exam?

The most realistic answer is to study your ass off and take practice tests that resemble this exam until you have reached the level for passing.

If you want to dive even further, then the next question will be… how can I obtain the necessary knowledge and information to pass the Bar?

And the most realistic answer would be to research material (Books, computer programs, phone apps, etc.) – obviously with good reviews – that will help your brain acquire the necessary data you need in order to pass the exam.

So in short…

You must ask yourself a lot of questions. You need to ask yourself as many questions as you can think of until you have none left. And of course you need answer all of these questions.

Once you have all of the questions answered, then you can proceed on to accomplishing whatever it is that you set off to achieve. So that’s about it for today! I hope I was able to help some of you with this brilliant concept. Thanks for reading and remember to keep pushing for the next level!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Things women are programmed to look for in a man

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pua pictureow this article is based on what I’ve seen in over ten years of going out and meeting different women. I’ve also maintained many relationships with lots of women – that I’m still in touch with to this day.

The following things listed are what I personally believe most women are programmed to search for in their potential mate…

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1) Intelligence.

Probably one of the strongest impressions to make on someone is to impress them with your intelligence. When a person (Female or male) respects your intelligence, then you better believe they’ll value your company.

So remember the brain is like a muscle, the more we train it, then the smarter we get. Therefore, never stop being great… learn new languages, travel, study, learn and never stop learning.

2) Confidence.

Confidence – to me – is a combination of experience and never-ending growth. So if you want to radiate confidence, then first get your lay-count up with quality women. Once you’ve accomplished that, then keep the ball rolling. Never stop and never get comfortable; always be pushing for the next level.

3) A social life.

Don’t just push to master getting women, work to master relationships with people as well. Learn to build relationships with powerful people and learn what you need to do to get them to respect you as well.

4) A good sense of humor.

The ability to put others at ease with a good sense of humor is a very useful tool. Knowing when to poke fun at others and using sarcasm subtly can be a start. The rest of it is learned through trial and error.

5) Similar interests.

I think it helps to have things you are both passionate about in common. For example: My last serious relationship, my girl and I both were passionate about checking out new restaurants in the city. I guess you can say we are both “foodies” – anyway, we always had a good time together because of this.

Remember that everyone has at least one thing in common, that you both can be passionate about. So try to find it, it helps big time to know how to pinpoint the commonalities and embellish; especially for retaining the women you really like.

So that about does it…

Hopefully the aforementioned will help simplify everyone’s perception of what is needed to attract your ideal mate. I think I made it pretty clear, so I am going to cut it off here. Just remember that not all of these things can be changed in a day; it will take time to improve character. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for this week and once again… keep going out!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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