PUA Tips: 3 Habits for a better life

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I was thinking to myself the other day about what habits I’ve changed about myself that have really improved my quality of life. I came up with these 3 habits that have not just made my life better, but have increased my overall productivity ten-fold. Of course, I’ve listed them below…

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1) Read.

Although, I don’t really list any books – I do read a lot and I can definitely understand why supposedly most CEO’s read around 50 books a year. I personally am up to 3-5 a month – so around 40-50 a year.

I have always been a pretty avid reader and I tend to focus on non-fiction. I also like to research the author first and make sure they are successful (If still alive) and if they aren’t alive, then at least I make sure they are somewhat of an influential figure that have some kind of traits that I value.

2) Meditate.

The definition of meditation, for me, is to “still the mind” and this is exactly what it does. So if I’m feeling a bit stressed out, then I’ll lay back, close my eyes and meditate. After doing so for around 15-30 minutes I always feel much more relaxed and ready to tackle whatever work I need to get done.

I am not going to get into detail on how to meditate, because there is so much great and free content online that you can all discover for yourself. Besides I am not a meditation expert, I just do what works for me. The main point is that you feel relaxed afterward; whatever techniques you decide to to utilize is entirely up to you.

3) Work out and eat healthy.

One of biggest factors that will regulate how you feel and how productive you are is how well you take care of your body. The biggest mistake a person can make is neglecting one’s health.

It really makes a difference when you change up your diet with healthier foods and a nice, weekly routine of about 3 days a week at the gym. I like to combine about an hour of weight training with 30-40 minutes of mild cardio after; usually just walking on the treadmill.

After that I’ll stretch and hop in the shower. I mostly workout in the morning, because it helps me sleep better at the end of the day and I also get my blood flowing before I have to start working. Trust me, working out makes a big difference in how you feel – you will have much less stress and are less likely to feel depressed; if that is one of your problems.

And that’s it…

Stick to these 3 habits and I guarantee that you will feel so much more better than you were before. Happiness is about what you do in your spare time and as long as you are trying to reach your full potential, then you will always continue to feel better and better. So that’s all I got for everyone today… thanks for reading and don’t forget to keep going out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 tips for never to get screwed over

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I am pretty big on not making enemies and if I meet someone that I see a potential enemy, then I will sever ties pretty quickly. So for all of you that are not as experienced with people – I thought I’d put this together to help you all, not just choose better girls, but also better friends in general.

The following principles in regard to this are…

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1) Come to terms with the fact that most people are out for themselves.

Yes, this is an ideology that is somewhat comforting – especially in a ‘dog eat dog city’ such as New York; where I live. In stead of getting your feelings hurt, then you can just come to terms with this somewhat Machiavellian principle that I’ve come to appreciate.

Although, not everyone is like this, the majority of the world are out for themselves; maybe not consciously, but subconsciously. So when you can alter your paragdigm to align with this ideology, then you are much more less likely to put yourself in risky situations that may not turn out in your favor.

2) Never give more than what someone is willing to give you.

This can be applied to who you choose as a wing-man and to the women you choose to form relationships with. Otherwise you will be spending your time and money on other people, that most likely, view you as lower than them.

I personally am into being respected and not being taken advantage of. And yes there may be some people that have a personal masochistic kink – such as the opposite of this principle – yet I know many do not. So if you are like me and don’t like being taken advantage of, then pick the people that you spend your time with wisely.

3) Offer value is exchange for value.

Another interesting way to view this is from the perspective of a “buyer versus a seller”. A seller is coming from a perception where they are trying to convince the person that they are worth their time. A seller’s view is seen as lower value than the buyer’s.

So in short, be the buyer and in order to do so, then you need to internalize that you have something of high value to offer. When you can demonstrate this effectively, or have a high sense of self-worth (confidence), the right people will stay and the wrong people will quickly stay away; because they see that they can’t use you.

4) Don’t talk too much.

Another Machiavellian principle… never reveal too much about yourself. Allow people to gradually get to know you over time. Doing this will create a more profound bond and people will respect you more.

You’ll also be able to distinguish who you want to keep around. The more time you are around a person, then to more likely someone will reveal their true self; so give everyone a grace period of about 1 1/2 – 2 months. You’ll learn their true intentions and true character. Whether they actually are quality people that are capable of creating a symbiosis that you both can benefit from; these are the best relationships. The more relationships that you can create like this, then you will be more likely to achieve a higher level of success in life.


Relationships should be of great importance in one’s life. Overly selfish people that think they don’t need people often tend to be dissatisfied wth life and unhappy. Yes, people can cause a lot of pain, but that is only when you surround yourself with the wrong people.

The right people are the only real recipe for happiness and that is me speaking from experience. We all have an innate need for acceptance. Do not be ashamed for wanting to be accepted, just get better at finding the right people to accept you. So that is all I have to say for today, hope I was able to help some of you and have a great week!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 tips for attracting people

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I know many of you are probably wondering why I’m talking about people in general and not just women. Well, that is because I’ve learned that this life is not just about getting laid. It is also about building a great life and being successful.

In order to be successful you must first learn to master the art of building relationships. If you you often come across unattractive or boring, then you will have quite a bit of trouble becoming a success.

So below I’ve listed a few principles that all of you can follow to become more liked or become more attractive…

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1) Find out what makes the target excited.

Whoever you are trying to form a relationship with must have some interest in something. So a good way to find out is by having a conversation with them. This isn’t hard, you just need to go up and say hi.

You can start off by mentioning an article of their clothing that you may like. Maybe you like the same brand. It doesn’t take much to get a conversation going.

Maybe they are very fashion conscious, maybe they like cars or maybe they just like to sit at home and read well written books. It doesn’t matter what it is, what matters is that you find out what it is.

So play around and see where the conversation takes you. Avoid confrontational subjects such as who they voted for, negative topics like lost loved ones, things they don’t like, etc. Ask questions or talk about a sport you like, maybe mention a player that is doing good this year and see if they get excited about such. Not too difficult, you just need to be willing to relate with them.

2) Decide what archetype you want to attract.

When I say archetype, I’m talking about category that whoever you are trying to connect with falls into. This relies a good deal on their upbringing.

In the United States you have a few different archetypes and they usually form around class; lower class, middle class and upper class. The idea is to match whatever class you are trying to attract.

You can match them by dressing similar, talking in a similar way or having similar likes or values. There are other things, but those are the most prominent that I can think of. The best way to understand whomever you are trying to attract is by getting to know more of these kinds people.

For example: If I want to attract a beautiful, naeive and sweet Morman girl, then I might start going to a Morman church and getting to know more Mormans. I may go to their gatherings and befriend as many of them as I can to learn about their ways. Remember this is just an example.

Another example: If I sold real estate, then I might want to build more relationships with people that have a lot of money. So I am going to go out to bars that rich people go to. I am going to pay attention to how they dress, how they talk, what they talk about, their values and what excites them, then match them.

This isn’t rocket science, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on Google researching every little detail either. All it takes is hanging out with as many of these people as possible and taking a mental note of the things they talk about and asking them about whatever they may be willing to tell you.

Yes, you may give away that you aren’t from where they are from in the beginning; which may cause you to lose some of those potential clients. However, in time all that data that you’ve gathered from countless interactions will accumulate.

In time, they will never know who you really are. You’ll become a chameleon and they will accept you as their own. Once you have that acceptance, then you have formed that relationship. Once you have that relationship, then they are that much more likely to buy whatever it is you are selling.

3) Show signs of similarity.

I did mention this before, but I will articulate a little more on the subject. People like people that remind them of themselves. When I was in school, my friends were all interested in the same things that I was interested.

I did wrestling for a long time… so I had a lot of hardcore wrestling friends. I also liked to play chess… so a lot of my friends I met from gathering and playing chess after school. The same is true with videogames. I loved videogames growing up, like many kids from my generation, so many of my friends were also into playing videogames; which is what we would end up doing on the weekends when we finished our homework.

Coming back to the rich guy in #2 – that I want to sell real estate to…

Maybe a good idea for bonding with people, you may want to sell houses to, may be taking up golf. Since many rich men enjoy the sport, you can talk about how you’ve been playing golf for years. Talk yourself up a little, but when you do manage to get them out playing with you, then make sure not to out-shine them.

Just show them a good time… they already have plenty of money. They most likely will want to buy property eventually and they can buy from anyone selling real estate. Nevertheless, if they know you, see that you both like to play golf and like you, then you now have an advantage over the rest of the real estate competition. And they are now much more willing to hit you up, when they are ready to buy some property.

4) Improve your appearance.

Nice clothes and a good haircut can go a long way. You show that you value yourself and have class when you know how to dress. Women will trust you more if you are well-dressed; as opposed to being dressed in rags.

People will be a lot more willing to buy from you because they’ll think you can offer them a quality product. If you look like you take care of yourself, then they will assume you’ll take care of them as well.

So there you have it…

Follow these principles and watch how much your life changes. Watch how much more people accept you into their circles. It’s not hard, it just takes practice and in time anyone can learn how to attract anyone they want.

So that’s that! Hope I was able to help inspire some of you and remember to keep working hard!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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