PUA Tips: 3 Ways to Improve your Body language and appear more confident

3 Ways to Improve your Body language and appear more confident:

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F-design PUA picture
or a number of us confidence will not come easy and it’s temporary when it does. Many of us might not want to accept it, but no person is confident ‘100% of the time’. We all doubt ourselves on occasion and no one is perfect.

But not many will argue with the fact that those that are confident, most of the time, have a much better dating life than those that aren’t. So the way you get constant access to more lovers and acceptance from the opposite sex, is by mastering your body language.

You can only do that by identifying what certain characteristics or behaviors elicit by far the most favorable of responses. After you’ve recognized what they are, you then practice them until they become second nature. The result is that you appear confident ‘100% of the time’.

So I want to bring to you 3 things that will send you on your way to a greater life…

#1-Watch actors in interviews that are clearly, extraordinarily confident:

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I have learned a great deal and corrected plenty of my body language faults through watching actors and paying attention to how they behave when talking to people. A couple of good choices for this exercise would be actors like Robert De niro, Al Pacino, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Leonardo Di Caprio and Dwayne Johnson(The Rock).

Next occasion you are out with a girl, you will start thinking about how the actor of your choice may act in the current situation. Think about precisely how they’d act and mimic it. If done right you will start recognizing differences in how women treat you.

People are constantly judging the other person, based on their body language. If one can improve their body language considerably, then they will discover just how powerful and influential of a tool it can be.

#2-Learn how to hold your Frame:

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I’ve spoke of this before, but I could never stress this enough. Frame-control is something that will make or break you. It’s something that will probably distinguish you from 95% of your competition.
The idea is not allowing yourself to become mentally defeated. Trusting in yourself and having conviction. Conviction in who you are and not giving up when faced with a challenge, especially if others don’t accept something you really feel strongly about. Always keep your integrity.

You can even feel more certain of yourself by improving your posture. Which will take us on topic of a technique called Power Posing…

Power Posing:

This is a helpful technique I use a lot personally. The idea driving it is to make a pose your psychological ‘confidence button’ that you push every time that you are doubting yourself. A couple of mine are looking upward toward the sky while straightening my neck, pulling my hips forward to straighten my back(When standing) and of course shoulders back.

Better posture is definitely an attractive trait and quite a few us can agree that keeping your head up will create a better impression when meeting new people; hence the saying “Keep your head up”.

#3: Work-out regularly:

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This is great to make you feel more relaxed after releasing the extra energy that builds up from stress, and so on. Your body language will improve mainly because you’ll feel more at ease.

Over time good posture will improve from strengthening of the back muscles. I do believe improvement with girls is both psychological and physiological. Furthermore, exercising one’s body will have a confident side-effect on your state of mind as well.

So in summary…

There are 3 things that are guaranteed to assist anyone who is considering improving their body language. Don’t get discouraged should you be still battling with finding that ‘right girl’… just pay attention to what I say and you’ll wind up with someone special in due time.

For the book of the day… I thought I’d introduce to everyone…

What Every BODY is Saying” by Joe Navarro.

This is a great resource for not just body language but understanding human interactions in general. This will help a person have a better understanding of how we communicate and open your mind up to a whole different realm of communication.

Just click the icon below to begin reading What “Every BODY is Saying” now.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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