PUA Tips: Top 4 dating tips how women manipulate men

S-design-1 pua picture o a thought came to me the other day and it was I thought about how women manipulate men. I know I’ve covered this before but in this kind of topic I feel like there are so many details that I can’t cover everything in one post. Below are a few other points to add to the picture…

1) Guilt trip:

One thing women do a lot of is telling you “you would do this if you cared.” There are few others but I’m not going to get into detail – point is that they try to make you feel bad to get you to do something. When you see a girl doing this get rid of her; plain and simple.

2) Playing a victim:

I guess this kind of falls into guilt-tripping but it’s a whole different type of manipulation game. A lot of young girls do this and of course feminist minded ones as well. The only thing that should come to mind is that only the weak feel like victims and you don’t want to be in the house of the weak.

Instead look for a woman that has qualities that you want to develop or have yourself – could be something like Independence, Lots of discipline, highly motivated, etc. The better you get at walking away, the higher-quality women you’ll end up with.

3) Asking a lot of favors

You also have to worry about gold diggers or potential gold diggers. Given the right environment or situation any woman can switch to gold digger mode. So don’t be too easy to do favors and stay away from women that like asking a lot of favors. Women will take advantage if they see that they can.

4) Withholding sex:

Another big no, no on a woman’s part is when they start trying to manipulate you with sex. This should be a first indication to get the hell out of there. A relationship is built upon sex, if you want a successful relationship, then you need a woman the enjoys having sex with you.

One of the most obvious signs that a girl is a gold digger is when they don’t have sex, but for want to still stay with you. In this case she just wants you for what you can give her and most likely getting the sex elsewhere. You are basically the sugar daddy.

In conclusion…

There are a lot of women that get a kick out of using men – it is not a rare occurrence. It is actually extremely common, probably more common than women that actually respect men. So you need to follow these signs and protect yourself; otherwise you’ll just be played like a fool. Well that about wraps it up… make sure you guys are wrapping up and until next time!

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 signs that you should break up with your girl

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F-design PUA pictureor a lot of people, you don’t hear me giving a lot of relationship advice like most guys in this industry. That’s because you don’t need much. It’s pretty black and white – when a woman really likes you she will be easy to deal with. She won’t want to risk losing you, because you make her feel complete.

So below I’ve listed some good shit on the topic – that I personally use – so I don’t get stuck with any woman that I can’t make feel complete. Here it is…

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1) She isn’t willing to invest.

To me, there is nothing more annoying than a girl who is trying to get me to do everything for her. Meaning pay the bill, text her to set up dates and basically give her the power to do whatever she wants to do.

If you run into this type of girl, I promise you won’t be getting sex as much as you probably want – if you get any at all. Wasting time with this type of girl will trigger the provider switch in her mind. She’ll see that you can be easily taken advantage of and she will lose respect. Respect is necessary to turn a woman on and if she can’t respect you, then she won’t be as sexually attracted to you.

2) Pointless drama.

In my experience, more drama usually means she isn’t content with you. Which also means that she would be more content with someone else. So save yourself both some trouble and tell her to take a hike.

It always takes some fishing before you find a girl you really click with. For me it’s probably 30% of the women I date; sometimes less. You just have to be patient, enjoy the process and get used to never getting attached that fast.

3) Parties too much.

I was seeing a girl not too long ago that told me she wanted to just be with one guy. She told me she wanted something serious and I almost believed her. Later I find out from one of her friends that she was going out 3-4 times a week.

She’s a chef so she would always get done at night. After I realized this I stopped responding to her texts. A week passes and I’m at the bar I met her at and she comes in drunk with her roommate and another guy.

So there was proof that I made the right decision. She didn’t even bother to come up to me either. A few years ago I would have been upset and would’ve probably acted up, but these days – since I understand women a lot better – I just let it go without any emotional attachment at all. I did this because I already know I can find someone just as good that will treat me much better.

So moral of the story is that you should not kid yourself when it comes to women that like to party a lot. They will never be relationship material and if you are the kind of guy that wants something serious – these are the women you should seriously stay away from. This is the path to disappointment.

4) She’s too controlling.

A major red-flag is when a girl wants you to tell her everything and tries to boss you around. Some women will want to check your phone and find out where you work, etc. The best advice I can give you with women like this is to get the hell away while you still have a dick. These are the Lorena Bobbett types.

5) She doesn’t enjoy having sex.

If you’ve allowed a relationship to progress to this point, then you’re a moron. Sorry if I am being too blunt. Unless you have a kid with her, she has no leverage to quit putting out. If your woman thinks she doesn’t need to have sex with you anymore to keep you around, then “zero sex” she will give.

So you need to be willing to draw the line and there are a few ways to deal with this also. One is to just make her satisfied sexually; which sometimes just isn’t possible. The second is be willing to lose her by telling her straight up that you will leave her if she stops putting out. If she values you enough, then she’ll respect your wishes. If not, then it wasn’t meant to be.

So in short, the only way to find out if you are with the right woman is by maintaining a mindset of abundance. This will become easier the more numbers you rack up with attractive women. When your reference number (Number of women you’ve slept with.) is high, then you won’t have a problem cutting one loose. At that point you’ve already internalized indefinitely the idea that there are 20 more women that are hotter to take her place.

So that about does it…

Don’t make these mistakes and you should have some smooth sailing or I guess you can say humping. A nice adage to add to your arsenile for the day is “If they did it once, then they’ll do it again”. So once again, thanks for reading, hope I was able to help some of you and make sure you go out this weekend!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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