PUA Tips: How to avoid being “too nice”.

The importance of not being too nice:

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So I’m back!

And with a new thing or two to share with anyone that’s interested.

Today I wanted to get into how I think it is important to not do too much for women until, uh… They sleep with you. I feel like it is “too easy” to get put into the nice guy frame, if you aren’t pretty much a cold hearted prick; at least a little bit of the time.

I feel that when I do this, I am able to elevate my value and behave more like a man who has options or an “Alpha”. And the truth is that we do have options, even a prick like me.

If you live in a city of nearly 9 mill with 53% women and 47% men; while in Manhattan(Where I live) there is a ratio of 2 single women to 1 single man. Then you can afford to be a little more choosy than if you lived in a smaller town.

If you were to be in a smaller town, I personally believe that one can convey an abundance state of mind with one’s behavior; which in return will make a man far more compelling than the surrounding competition.

A good way to emulate this trait is by not having expectations and not allowing yourself to get overly-invested in the interaction. An example would be trying to avoid paying on the date or if she is offended by this, then agreeing to take turns buying rounds. I remember Paul Janka talking about how he would even go as far to make women pay him back.

I found Paul Janka’s response quite interesting, because I have him friended on Facebook and that guy is with a lovely lady that most of ‘those without game’ would probably consider out of his league. So in my opinion, I would see his success as evidence that withdrawing investment works.

The way I view the interaction, when out with a girl, is as though I had nothing better to do and didn’t feel like staying home. As long as she doesn’t annoy me too much, then I will keep it going and if she does something to test me then I won’t give her the response she is looking for; if anything I will do something similar to test her or to challenge her.

In my personal experience I see that when women are given the opportunity, they will most likely take advantage of the situation. It’s not that they are doing it on purpose, most women just have a false sense of entitlement.

I remember this girl getting kicked out of a bar, that I guy I know owns. I guess he was watching her in the camera and she would go up to a bunch of dudes and just spend her night leading men on and getting free drinks. Seeing this really opened my eyes to how some women can be.

So that is why it is important to be a little bit of a douche my friends. By being this way you are weeding out the trash and getting the women that actually value you. This will not only get you more sex and faster, but it will leave you less stressed out with women in general.

The way I see it; there are ‘No-Win’ girls and there are ‘Win’ girls. A good PUA is skilled at screening for them. Over time you will get better and better at finding the ideal target and eventually you’ll have so many women in your life, that you can just bring them around to places where the no-win women are. Doing this will convert the no-win girls into a win.

There are a few bars that I frequent here and there. In the process I’ve brought a significant amount of beautiful women to these places. I began to notice that the female bartenders and waitresses would begin to flirt with me when I would show up alone. At that point I wasn’t super keen on pre-selection and social-proof. But after a cute waitress asked me to hang out with her after she got off, which led to getting laid, then I realized that it wasn’t BS.

Initially this girl at this bar thought of me as just another ‘average Joe’ with no value. Yet when she sees me bring in beautiful women, time after time, then I become interesting.

Yes, this is how women think… They are just as shallow as us and some even more.

Now getting back to my point, if you are going to get anywhere with women, I suggest setting some boundaries and getting used to setting them. Get them abiding by your rules, then once they are used to it, they become comfortable with it. Not only this, they will become more appreciative.

It is human nature to have a high appreciation for what one has to work for.

So that’s all I got to share today and thanks for reading.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more tips on getting hotter and higher quality women and remember to keep harassing!

-PUA Redsky

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PUA News: Feminazi Outrage

PUA News: Feminazi Outrage:

What’s up everyone?

I recently noticed how feminists have been making a lot of noise lately. I see them releasing videos about ‘Street Harassment’ and getting people to sign petitions in order to take certain controversial PUA’s *Cough* “RSD Julien” *Cough* off the internet.

These “Feminazis” are quite a bunch and I usually try to avoid writing about garbage. However, this garbage is irritating me because it is full of toxic beliefs that are polluting the minds of beautful women all around the world.

I remember hearing stories from my parents about “Free-love” and how the world was so much more fun back when they were younger; even though they had more serial killers. Now most HQ women are frightened to death that they are going to end up with a guy that doesn’t make a 6 figure salary.

It seems that the more power women obtain, the more materialistic they get. I am going to say something controversial now, so listen up…

Women are…





On this…



They cheat, they lie and they use… Just as much as men and even more so.

They know they are victims of their own hormones, but aren’t willing to accept it. They continuously think they are more innocent than they really are and are not willing to take responsibility for their own actions.

Most HQ women(ie. Beautiful and Educated women) that I’ve been intimate with, are haunted by a false sense of self-worth that is built on how good they are at convincing themselves that they aren’t sluts. But sorry to break it to you ladies… We are all sluts; myself included.

Just because this chick in the video doesn’t want to hook up with those guys she was trying to denigrate on camera then; does not mean she wouldn’t hook up with another just as nasty when she was horny and drunk on a night off or on vaca. This is bogus nonsense and I think it needs to stop.

So my message to all feminazis reading this… You know what I’m talking about. Quit trying to deny it, we accept you… Even if you are a slut.

Now let me summarize the feminazi video I watched… This is a popular video that shows an average-looking female taking a stroll through “my city”(New York City), while being approached by what looks like mainly homeless men.

Pretty cool right… I didn’t think so either.

Now the second I uploaded off of facebook because I thought it was more entertaining than watching the first. Not to sound too apathetic about women’s rights or anything.

Now that one actually made me laugh out loud. Ha!

Now the third video is about some dude, that I’m not too sure is even into women, walking around the city dressed like he just got out of a Salsa club or Copa Cabana’s. I thought it was pretty enlightening to see just how many girls want to be with a salsa dancer.

I felt like I was watching “Dancing with the stars” for a second there. High five if we are on the same page.

So getting back to the big picture… I don’t know where all this is going, but I don’t think it’s good. For those that are new to pick-up… I suggest spending every waking moment, that you can, trying to sleep with every hot girl you see. I say this because there may just come a day when all the women decide that they want to become lesbians.

So anyway, I think I said all I had to say.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to keep harassing!

-PUA Redsky

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PUA Becoming the improved ‘you’

Before anything, I included a video about 3 qualities that should be considered when finding a good wing-man:

PUA Becoming the improved you:

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to get a little deep…

I have noticed a lot of guys that come out and expect a magic pill that fixes all of their female problems. A lot of people get discouraged by the fact that women aren’t falling at their feet overnight.

I think this comes down to one thing honestly…

Do you bring up the people around you?

Think about this deeply and internalize what I just wrote.

If you are the guy that is always bitter and irritated most of the time; to the point that you’re not being invited to go out with anyone, then this is aimed directly at you.

Do you expect a friend to sacrifice the woman of his dreams just to entertain his friend that sits in the corner; in his own bitter little world?


That is not what friendship is about.

Friendship is about having positive people around you that push you to become better.

If you are constantly mad at the world, because you don’t have a beautiful woman around to treat you right, then just maybe you need to re-educate yourself.

Only you have the tools to create your own happiness…

You need to look inside and think about whether you are making the people you are around better as well.

When I go out, I like to make people feel good about themselves…

I like to make people laugh and I like to help my friends become better with women, but I am not going to make their over-all happiness my goal.

If I meet a girl I like then I will enjoy my time with her, because I am out to have fun. I don’t owe anything to anyone and neither does anyone else.

I see others around me watching other’s success and getting angry from it. Next thing you know they are leaving early.

However, when I was in their shoes I didn’t give up. Instead of being jealous, I was happy for them and I used that experience as inspiration; that is the correct way to think.

Instead of leaving right there to go and feel sorry for myself at home…

I went and talked to 15 different women…

If one didn’t like me then I moved on to the next…

If they all didn’t like me then I would go online to find information that would educate me. After doing my research, I found techniques that I could use to level my playing field.

Just like a chess match; the most experienced and educated player will have the highest chance of winning.

I learned how to deal with rejection, I learned how to add value to conversation, I learned how to make myself appear more physically attractive and the number one thing is, that I never gave up!

We can stay where we are and accept defeat or together we can climb out of hell, one inch at a time…

Get up and don’t ever give up!

Now to get back to what I was saying…

If you are always thinking about ‘the negative’ and complaining about this and that, then stop!

Stop it right now!

That isn’t going to change a thing and you aren’t only hurting yourself, but you are hurting others around you.

Instead of complaining, go out and learn to make yourself better in the area of life that is causing you to complain; for most of us, the root of that complaining is our relationships.

Most of us are social creatures and most of us cannot experience true happiness on our own…

A rich man can make all the money in the world, but what’s the point of making all that money if you have no one to share it with?

Someone that genuinely cares about you and isn’t just using you…

Someone that brings you happiness…

Someone that you don’t have to impress to stay with you…

If you ever expect to be in a relationship with a beautiful woman that actually gives a crap about you, then you first need to know how to make her feel good around you.

In order to do that, you need to understand women…

And the only way one can do this is by getting to know women…

Lots of women…

You need to approach, talk and interact and not just stand there; expecting hand-outs.

That is the only way!

So now I am done with this rant and I hope I helped some of you snap out of the mental purgatory that is hindering you.

Thanks for reading and all the best!

-PUA Redsky

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