PUA 3 Missions

PUA 3 Missions:

Today I thought about productive ways to get better at pick up and also to step things up in life in general. I brainstormed some ideas for doing this and will repeat them as followed.

1) Have a mission to get out and do something besides worry about work and the whole day-to-day rat race.

When I say this I am describing the daily grind of going to work, worrying about work, going to the gym, worrying about missing a workout or going on a date, worrying about the date.

I believe it is healthy both emotionally and physically to do something aside of the before-mentioned.

What would one of those things be exactly?

Well I’ll give you a hint… Mountains, lake, landscape, outdoors…

Yes, go outside! Go for a hike and walk up a mountain path. Do this a couple of times a week on your days off. Go off and explore to find a nice view that you haven’t seen before. You will be surprised how motivated and inspired you will feel afterwards.

Something I like to do is go on Google to pick a random place I haven’t been. I used to do 5 miles away from where I live but now I have raised it to 10 miles; give or take. Make sure that it’s a safe area if you live in a big city.

2) Have a mission when you are out partying on the weekends with your friends.

What kind of mission?

A mission involving women! Pretty good explanation right?!

Something I like to do is write out a goal for the night on my phone. I have a nice little application called ‘Writer’ that lets me do this.

I like to write out something like:

“Venue change at least 1-2 females.” or “Get into club with females I met on the street or in a bar.”

Since a lot of clubs in NYC will let you in without cover if you bring hot girls then it is a win. It is also very true that clubs hire promoters to purposely increase the ratio of women so that there are more women than men. They also, not only increase the ratio, they hire these promoters to bring only hot and highly attractive women.

Which brings me to the conclusion that if I can avoid the cover charge and go to a club for free then I improve my benefits. These benefits being that you will increase your odds of getting some action and most likely with hotter women, as long as you approach them.

3) Have a mission to approach at least 10 “very attractive” women a day.

Yes, I said “very attractive” not attractive or even acceptable. I want you to approach hot, hot women. You need to go for the gold because if you just go for second rate then you will be second rate your whole life.

Let me tell you a secret… No one wants to be second rate.

Some people may tell you, “I am not trying to be with a super model I just want someone I can cuddle with and have around at times so I won’t be lonely.”

You know what I do when I hear that for the hundred millionth time?!

I laugh in that fool’s face!!

You want to know why?

Because time after time that douche-bag is the one talking behind my back about how I have a problem with commitment and will never be happy in life, etc… etc…

It isn’t always that but it seems to be something along those lines.

Well, guess what my friend?!

I have news for you if you are “that guy.”

I know that you see me making out with beautiful women in front of you, while you sit back and have movie night with your so, so girlfriend. Trying to pretend that you are proper and appropriate. However you are still with an average woman and you are still getting mad when you see me with a new woman hotter than your average girlfriend.

But do you even know why you are mad my friend?

One word…


You are mad because you are jealous, plain and simple. You probably won’t even admit you are mad but you’re in denial.

You want those hot women and you want to be on top of them. You just try to pretend that you don’t and I know this fact all too well.

So don’t think you are fooling anyone because you are only fooling yourself!!

If you didn’t want it then you wouldn’t talk garbage about how sleezy and ridiculous my sex life is to your friends.

You would just sit and be satisfied and not have the urge to talk poorly of others or even have the urge to be mad. This is because you would be happy… Which you are not.

So think about that…

Now go out and quit selling yourself short with these “whatever” girls. You know the girls that are easy for you to get.

Go out and get rejected again and again! Process after process! Until finally!

Finally! Finally! Finally!

You have met a 10! A 10! A 10! 10, 10, 10!!!!

A 10 that actually likes you!


When you get used to that, my friends… Then you have just discovered what it feels like to have improved your skill in pick up.

Now there you have it. Never get comfortable.. Never stop getting hungry.. Never stop wanting better.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

-PUA Redsky

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Dating Tips: My personal HB hottness scale

Dating tips: HB Hottness Scale by PUA Redsky

In this post I thought it would be fun to show what I personally consider hot. I don’t know if this is accurate for others but this is what I find attractive personally. Enjoy!

Click picture to enlarge

Dating tips
Hot babe scale by redsky
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The Tough-hide, Metal Skin of the experienced Pick Up Artist

The Tough-hide, Metal Skin of the experienced Pick Up Artist:

I thought I’d discuss what I personally feel has happened to me, since I’ve been in the pick up artist (PUA) scene for the past 7 years.

When I was younger, I would take a lot of failed attempts with women personally. At one point it took me a little over a year to get over a relationship that I was in. I still stayed in touch with her after, because I felt that maybe we could fix things.

Fortunately, I met someone else randomly that helped me get over the deep-felt pain that the relationship had caused me emotionally. I still felt very sad when I would think about it though.

Years later, I think back to it and the pain that I had felt so intensely, has managed to fade. For a point in time afterward, I think I may have temporarily turned into somewhat of a narcissist. If I never took a liking to the realm of psychology, then I most likely would have stayed that way, thankfully I didn’t.

Today I want to explain what a narcissist is, if you didn’t already know, how they become that way and why it’s harmful. Many pick up artists that I’ve met have become this type of individual and I want to tell those whom are new to the game, you don’t have to become a narcissist to get women. It is not healthy to be a narcissist period.

What causes a narcissistic individual to become that way is mainly pain. Many of us experience devastation and humiliation at one point in our life. Many of us put up barriers due to the belief that we think people are harmful and that it is best to keep everyone at a distance.

Now this may seem right at the time but you need to think about things from an outsider’s perspective. Many women and people, in general, will fall into negativity and may try to harm you emotionally but there are a few that, if you allow yourself to open up with, will allow you to experience a bond and connection that you would never have before.

My transformation from a narcissist to a more empathetic person has taught me a lot and has made me happier than I ever have been. Thanks to this feeling of enlightenment I felt that I might write about it, in hopes of influencing those that are stuck in that dark void of sociopathic detachment. Although, you may feel that you are getting more women than you ever have before, I can guarantee that you won’t find happiness.

Personally, I feel that since I’ve allowed myself to be more open to connecting with women on a natural level, I feel my game has also gotten better.

I believe that if you open yourself up, in hopes of finding those few women that are not out to hurt or take advantage, then you will be able to connect better. I think you will develop a stronger bond and get better at spotting the quality women and not the damaged ones.

So there is something I had on my mind and am glad that I was able to share it.

And remember that the only way to get better is by talking to women, so go out and get to work. Thanks for reading.

-Pick Up Artist Redsky

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