PUA Tips: The Straight Line Method

S-design-1 pua picture o some of you may or may have not heard of the straight line method. The straight line method is a sales technique created by the one and only Jordan Belfort. For those that don’t know who Jordan Belfort is he is the real person that Leonardo Dicaprio played in the movie Wolf of Wall Street.

His method can be applied to face-to-face interactions with a potential significant other. It is persuasion – sales is persuasion – therefore it can be applied to convincing a person to come home with you or for other things one may have in mind.

This how it works…

The 3 tenets of the Straight Line Persuasion system:

The 3 tenets to success of the Straight Line Persuasion system are:

1) Developing rapport with the target.

First and foremost, you must get her enjoying conversation. You can learn about this in my books or read some of the articles on my website for more details.

2) Asking specific questions to gather intelligence and to understand if you both want the same thing.

A few examples could be:

“Who are you with?” (Determine if she is available)

“Can I get your number?” (Test compliance)

“I’m leaving – do you want to come with?” (Get more compliance)

3) Controlling the target by keeping it on the straight line (Every time she tries to take the conversation away from the goal by talking about something irrelevant you quickly bring it right back).

A few examples could be:

-After kissing, keeping the vibe sexual through conversation or touching.

-Isolating for sex when buying temperature is high enough.

*You can also learn about this in my books or read some of the articles on my website for more details.


Buyers vs non-buyers

One of the most important goals as a seducer is to find the right targets to speak to so you can weed out the people who aren’t right. One of the best ways to do this is by testing for compliance. This information is available in my books or some of the articles on my website as well.

So that about does it…

Keep all this information in mind the next time you are trying to persuade a target to go home with you. You might be surprised to see how effective this can be. Now that’s about it – thanks for reading and have a great week!

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 psychological tricks you better learn

psych-2 pickup tricks

S-design-1 pua pictureome of you may have learned some of these in school if you’ve studied psychology. Today I’m going to list a few psychological phenomena that will help aid you all in getting whatever it is that you may desire from others.

I’m listing a few tips that will help you to not just better read someone’s mind, but to also have more control of the outcome of whatever interactions you may find yourself in at some point. Imagine having the power to make people always feel comfortable around you, or even better, have the power to make people like you. This is exactly how these tricks can be used – so pay attention. The following are…

psych pickup tricks

1) The Benjamin Franklyn effect.

I’ve talked about this a good amount… this is basically asking a small favor of the person. The idea behind this is that there has been a good amount of research that suggests that people tend to like people they’ve done favors for. So you can raise your value in someone’s eyes just by asking simple favors.

This could be anything from watching your chair when you go to the bathroom or even just asking someone to hold your phone while you put on your jacket. Favors are basically the building blocks that add meaning to relationships.

2) The Yawning effect.

This is an interesting one, if you have ever been curious to know if anyone is looking at you, then yawn in front of a bunch of people. If anyone is paying attention to you they will yawn as well. This is good, when in crowded places like Starbucks, a subway or a bar.

Knowing who is looking at you will give you a big advantage when deciding what women you are going to approach. Chances are if she’s looking at you, then she’s attracted to you as well.

3) The Look-to-comrade effect.

This is a fun one…

I like this because I enjoy telling jokes, but you can also just tell a story. For some reason or another people will look at the person they like the most in a group following a funny joke or story. So if you are curious about who a girl likes the most in a group, then tell a joke or share a short story. Make sure you have everyone’s attention when doing this as well.

4) The Chewing effect.

Now this is great for when you are nervous about a girl before you meet up for a date. Just chew gum or eat something and you’ll feel more at ease when you meet up. I myself chew a lot of gum already, so this may explain why so many girls have told me in the past that I seem quite calm and relaxed.

5) The Mirror effect.

This is another trick that I find rather clever due to attractive women’s common habit of being rather narcissistic. Going to a bar that has a lot of mirrors and sitting close to the mirrors will usually lead to a better time with your target. This is because no one wants to see themself angry and the mirror will help amplify the desired result; which is to put the target in a good mood.

So next time you choose your date location, carefully pick a bar or lounge with mirrors and sit nearby them. If you can, sit next to one or have one behind where you sit. This way when she looks at you, then she’ll be forced to see herself from the side. Don’t be surprised if she looks at herself in the mirror often as well.

Last of all…

Although these tricks will not guarantee 100 percent success, they will push you more in that direction than if you didn’t know them. So use them and remember, more importantly, to always enjoy yourself and just have fun. So that’s about it for today! Now enjoy your weekend and get out there!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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