PUA Tips: Top 4 tips for dealing with conflict from other guys

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So this isn’t an uncommon thing that most of us men have to deal with. I don’t know how many times I was just standing around and trying to order a drink, then next thing I know some douchebag has to come bump my arm agressively as he walks by. Welcome to another hurdle of the night-life in the big city!

Below I am going to give everyone a few tips on how to deal with this situation without, hopefully, losing the girl or getting in a fight. The following are…

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1) Ignore them.

Most guy’s bark is worst than their bite. If you just act as if you don’t hear them or care enough to be bothered, then they most likely will leave. Just continue talking to each other as if some douche isn’t in the background acting a fool.

2) Go out with friends.

The bigger friends, the better. I’m talking from experience, because I’ve gone out with shorties and big guys just to see the difference. I actually hung out with some short guys for a month to see what it was like and it showed me that the Alpha Male Theory is real.

So if you want to have a safe and fruitful night out, then make friends with big dudes that are into game. You’ll be blown away at how much women are attracted to big, strong men and if you are with them, then they will most likely see you as strong as well.

3) Nod your head and walk off.

If the guy is persisting and you don’t know the security, then this may be a good way to avoid a fight. Remember the point is to get laid, not to get into trouble. All you have to do is walk away and make sure to tell the girl something like, “Let’s go over here” to bring her with you.

4) Move closer to the bouncers when being patronized.

This is also a good reason to make friends with bouncers. You never know when you may need their help. In my own experience, I had a guy start hitting a girl in front of me, like hay-maker hitting her, and she was small too.

Everybody was just sitting around and watching, not doing anything. After 2 hard hits I was the idiot that grabbed his arm. Next thing I know him and 2 other guys tackle me to the ground. I had been punched in the face and had my elbow stomped on before the bouncer, that I always talk with for a few minutes when I come in, is tossing these guys off me.

I got away with a couple of bruises, a small lump on my head and bruised elbow. Thanks to a little chit-chat I got away from maybe a potential stabbing – who knows.

So there you have it…

Four ways to keep yourself from having a bad night; like the one I had. Some of the most pain in the ass bills are hospital bills also. well, that’s all I got for today! Now don’t forget to keep your cool and don’t stop going out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 tips for quick night-game fixes

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So since I am so good at this these days – I’ve decided to create this little cheat-sheet for all of you that are still struggling with “one of the easiest ways of getting laid”. The truth is, in New York city at least, night-game is a breeze. There is almost no point doing Day-game, unless you want a serious relationship. And at this point of my life, a one-time hookup every weekend, with a girl I never have to see again, is much more satisfying than a relationship.

So here are a few of my tips for all of you…

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1) Talk to a lot of people when out.

You don’t have to talk to the whole damn bar, but at least have a few interesting conversations to get you into a social mood. This also helps because half the time those people you are talking with may have friends coming. Some of those friends might just be good-looking females. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve gotten laid through a social circle of someone I just randomly talk to about MMA or some other sport I watch; it pays to watch sports!

2) Go out on the busiest nights of the week.

In my city this is usually Friday and Saturday. I think this is usually the case for most cities in the United States. Weekends are the best times for night game, and in my opinion, it’s almost pointless to waste precious energy on any other days; unless you can get into a busy nightclub for free.

3) Get plenty of sleep the night before going out.

Being well rested is key and you’ll not only have a higher probability of getting some ass, but you’ll have more fun as well. I’ve still hooked up with a lot of girls when I felt like crap, but in the beginning when you have less experience, you are going to get burned out early and just want to go home to sleep.

4) Find a wingman.

A good wingman is gold… you will get less rejections and you’ll have more fun as well. I suggest staying away from anyone that gets overly jealous and the types of guys that can’t pay for shit. There are a lot of those here, but there are also a lot of stand up guys that can pull their own weight and want to see both of you get laid. It just takes a little bit of searching, but it is well worth it when you meet a good wingman; it will make getting laid feel effortless.

5) Don’t waste your time with bitchy attitudes.

I have had women apologize via Facebook or text the next day for rudeness before, when I was first figuring things out. Nevertheless I’ve noticed from many experiences, that I can have more fun and get laid faster if I just move on to someone less problematic.

So moral of the story, if she doesn’t like you in the first 2 minutes of the interaction, then she most likely won’t like you after that. Move on gracefully and don’t look back.

To leave off…

Night-game definitely has its pros, but some cons to keep in mind are:


Yes, there are lots of jealous douchebags out there. It just comes with the territory and you may have to fight. So that is another good reason to have a wingman. You can always just walk away, but if you’re drinking, then there’s always a chance mister liquid courage may sneak up on you.

Not relationship material.

Maybe 1 out of a 100 girls you meet at night are relationship material. Plus if they had a one-night stand with you, then they probably will feel like a slut. Unfortunately we live in a society where meaningless hookups are considered shameful behavior by many. However, look on the bright side… if you get good enough, then you can have nasty, meaningless debauchery every weekend with a different sexy woman; like I do.

You have to buy drinks.

Yes, sorry to say, but this is the truth. Unless you want the bartenders and security to hate you, then you best believe you better have a drink in your hand. This is another thing that comes with the territory my friends.

So if you are too cheap to buy a drink or 2 when you go out, then please unsubscribe to my email list and go climb into a hole where you can be an unambitious broke-ass by yourself. And that’s about it! Now good luck to all of you this weekend and keep going out!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: 4 tips for channelling your inner Tyler Durden

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I thought today would be a really good day to discuss a fictitious icon of modern-day masculinity. This icon is commonly known as “Tyler Durden”. In short, Tyler Durden is the ideal image of what most women consider attractive; both physically and behaviorally. So pay close attention to some of the concepts I’m listing below so you can get in touch with your own inner Alpha (A.K.A. Tyler Durden)…

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1) Be real with yourself and others (Don’t kid yourself).

This means stop pretending and start learning to be comfortable being you. Let go of all your insecurities and encourage others to live that way too.

2) Live to amuse yourself.

When you go out, do things that you want to do. Be comfortable being the main focal point in your life. Think to yourself… what could I say to make this conversation with a hot girl more amusing?

3) Don’t waste your time around people you don’t enjoy being around.

Stop letting boring, energy sucking people into your night-life. That could be friends that are recently out of relationships or just typical downers.

We all have that one friend that always seems to love being depressed. Yea, that one… stay away from him.

4) Find your purpose and do whatever it takes to fulfill it.

Whether you like cars, motorcycles, playing Magic the gathering or whatever – embrace it. If it makes you happy and you’re good at it, then take that path. It’s not rocket science – you just need to take that first step.

And that’s about it for today…

Follow what I said above and you’ll be on your way to discovering your inner Tyler Durden in no time! now enjoy your week and don’t forget to keep things moving!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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