PUA Tips: 5 Signs that you’re in a Toxic Relationship

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pua pictureow today I am going to talk about something a little bit different. Today I’m going to talk about relationships. I know I usually don’t talk much about this but I am kind of getting sick of seeing all these poor guys, when I go out, that are being totally taken advantage of.

So I decided to put together a few red-flags to pay attention to before or when you enter into a relationship. If you notice any of the following then I strongly suggest you rethink your situation.

Here are 5 toxic examples of a relationship that will only end in misery…

1. Your self-esteem has lowered since being with her:

This is somewhat of a dead give-away and you should never jeopardize your confidence. If she is making you feel worse and worse about yourself then get the hell away from her.

I’m not saying that it is entirely her fault all the time either – maybe you just aren’t mature enough to be in a relationship. I tell people all the time that you need to be content with yourself before you can be content with somebody else. So until then just play the casual sex game.

2. You argue more often than you get along:

I have seen this a lot… sometimes if the sex is really good then people will overlook the fact that they don’t get along otherwise. Regardless this is not going to achieve happiness and it is going to end up with a break-up anyhow. So the sooner you get out then the less pain you’ll feel.

3. She puts you down or compares you to other men:

Yeah, if you are dealing with this kind of ordeal then leave her immediately. The last thing you want is a woman that will treat you like you’re nothing. Respect is the backbone of a relationship and if she has trouble naturally giving it to you then she isn’t worth your time.

4. You aren’t or are barely having any sex:

It doesn’t matter if you get along extraordinarily well my friends. When you find yourself in a conversation with your buddies and realize that they have a lot more erotic stories to tell about their relationships than you do, then maybe you should take into consideration that something’s wrong.

Sexual compatibility is 50 percent of the relationship and if she has trouble giving it to you then you should look elsewhere. If she isn’t turned on by you enough to have it everytime she sees you then she’s being selfish and maybe even getting it elsewhere.

5. She’s overly dependant on you:

Needy women are a recipe for disaster and it always leads to an unnecessary amount of stress that no one needs in their life. A woman should be able to support herself financially before you come into her life and even after. I understand if you have a kid with her, then everything changes, but until then there is no reason she should need anything from you.

This includes paying her way on dates, her asking you for money, her moving in with you and not paying her share of the rent. Everything should always be 50/50 and if she has a problem with that she can go free-load off someone else. Don’t ever let anyone take advantage of you, because if they see that they can, then they will.


If you or someone you know is involved with someone that exhibits the qualities I just mentioned then either you or they need to find someone else. I know the dating world these days can be very difficult at times but there is always someone better out there – someone that will truly make you happy.

Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged just because you can’t find your ideal girl over-night. The cold hard truth about dating is that it just isn’t that easy and we have to accept it. If it was easy then we all would be knee deep in flaming hot pussy.

It’s always going to be competitive and it’s always going to feel like a challenge. The only thing that changes, at least for me, is that when you begin to have more success you will fall in love with the challenge.

You’ll see that what you once thought would never happen is possible and you’ll want to experience it again and again. The truth is that one of the best feelings in the world is meeting an intelligent and beautiful woman that feels the same amount of attraction for you as you feel for them. There isn’t much that can beat that.

And when you find that it becomes intoxicating. You will crave it and you will fall in love with the chase, the experience and the game. Like I said before… there isn’t much that I’ve experienced in life that can replace that kind of symbiosis. And I know some of you already know what I’m talking about, but for those that don’t… your hard work will eventually pay off. Trust me.

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Have better Sex with Marijuana

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PUA Picture have something interesting for everyone reading this today… today I am going to talk about sex. Not only that but I am going to explain how to increase the quality of the sex you are having.

One of the main reasons many women stay with a man is because of how good he is in bed. Therefore if you can increase the level of pleasure she feels when with you, then you have a higher chance of keeping any woman you want around for a much longer period of time. So if you’ve never had an excuse to experiment with Marijuana before, then you do now.

According to this study (Read Study Here) Marijuana has a big impact on receptors in your brain that will increase the pleasure both you and your female friend will feel during sex. This means she will orgasm easier and even feel more intense pleasure when climaxing.

Sounds pretty cool right? All you need to do now is just convince her to take a hit of a joint.

Actually I’ve known this little fact about Marijuana for some time and haven’t really needed to read a study to realize it. Being a mild user myself… I can tell you from experience that it’s very beneficial introduce this semi-legal drug into the equation, but I do advise doing so with caution. Not all women can handle it and it might just turn her off completely if the weed is too strong.

So if you choose to go on this journey then I suggest getting to know the girl for awhile and don’t be overtly anxious to propose having a smoke. Instead date her for a month or so and get her comfortable having sex with you without it for awhile first. Make sure that you never go limp and if you have this problem then take something for it – there is a variety of herbal supplements that will give you a boost; I may cover this issue in a later article.

Following that don’t drink too much and if you do manage to convince her to smoke with you then don’t smoke too much yourself. For men Marijuana can have a very detrimental effect on keeping an erection.

If you do smoke before sex then I recommend having no more than 1 puff. If you aren’t used to it then that much might be too much as well. I suggest smoking on your own before to see where your level of tolerance is.

So that’s what I got…

I hope I was able to help some of you with this information. Now you have a new idea on how you can spicen up your sex life if it seems to be getting dull. Also if you are in a country where this substance is banned then please disregard, but if not, then have at it!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: 5 Things that make you look Desperate

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S-design-1 pua pictureo it’s about to be Christmas in a few weeks so I am in the giving spirit. Since I’m in the giving spirit I thought I would give you all a list of 5 things many of you are probably doing that make you look desperate as fuck.

So pay attention…

1. Texting long answers and texting too often:

Oh yes, the dreaded text game… I know for some of us this can be a real pain in the neck. The reason for this is there is a great deal of patience required in the courting process – well for most women.

Part of that is knowing how not to present yourself over text. When a woman texts you I know there is a significant urge to tell her everything you feel, but you have to learn to relax. The key is to just take your time. Don’t be a try-hard and just remember that the purpose of texting is just to get her out so you can eventually go home together.

If you really like her, then in time you can have more. However first you need time to get to know her. We do this not just for the sake of getting her comfortable with you, but to make sure she isn’t going to turn into an obsessive psycho when she realizes she has feelings for you later on down the road.

Honestly I have girls I’ve seen for half a year without ever getting serious. Yes I admit that in the beginning I sometimes get some pretty strong feelings, but then later on I may end up spotting some serious insecurities. When this happens I then realize maybe it’s not so wise to get involved any longer. Which is why I like to give everything time and space in the beginning. Besides you can’t rush anything you want to last forever.

2. Leaning in too much:

I understand this can be difficult… especially if you can’t hear the person, but getting the woman to lean in herself is actually a good thing. It shows that she really wants to be with you and it also gives you power over the interaction. Just don’t be a dick and try to make a smart ass comment about it after because you can quickly turn a girl off that way.

Once you get her investing then just treat her the same as you would treat anyone else that you have a conversation with. Believe it or not now that she’s invested somewhat, by coming in close to you, then she’s more inclined to give you her number and possibly even go home with you.

In essence seduction is a mind game and if you know how to play it well then you will never have any trouble getting sex with a beautiful woman. It’s all about power and control – it might not make sense to you now, but in time it will all come together. You just have to keep going out and collecting that mental data.

3. Bragging about what you’ve done or what you do:

This is a big no no, and even though most people’s parents have been preaching not to brag most of our lives, I still see guys doing this constantly when I go out. If you think all women care about is your status and how much you have in your bank account, then you’re in for a lonely journey.

Most women get over that mindset as soon as they get done with school. They see that thinking that way doesn’t bring true happiness and they “grow up”; which is exactly why you should too.

What women care about is authenticity. They want a man who is not like everyone else and that they can enjoy their time with. If you are always bragging about all the things you got or what school you went to, then all you are proving is how stuck up you are.

Even if you do manage to impress a girl with this nonsense – in the end she will leave you for someone that she actually has a real connection with. So if you are the guy obsessed with all the superfical balogna that I just mentioned, then I suggest you stop and start thinking about who you really are.

4. Offering to buy her a drink or paying for everything on dates:

One thing I’ll never do is pay the woman’s whole way and you shouldn’t either. A relationship is supposed to be a partnership and if she isn’t willing to put in her share, then she can take a hike.

Not only will you save money, but she will respect you more for making her get at least a round or 2. Don’t ever supplicate… if she isn’t willing to help out she isn’t worth your time.

5. Agreeing with everything she says:

One particular person most men don’t have respect for is a kiss-ass and women are the same way. You can’t brown-nose your way into the bed sorry. So don’t waste your time and develop a backbone.

Don’t be afraid to speak about how you truly feel but do so with tact. You can still disagree with someone without insulting them.

Alrighty then…

So that’s a few tid-bits for those of you that are still struggling with looking like a desperate little manlet. These are all pieces of information most people will learn after awhile just by going out a great deal – at least I hope.

The idea is to just behave like someone you would enjoy being around and that doesn’t necessarily mean being entertaining; it just means being relaxed. Not overcompensating or being a push-over either. Just be a man or an adult male and at the same time be yourself.

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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