PUA Tips: How to get a woman that treats you right

PUA Picture was thinking the other day that there is a lot of material on how to get laid, but not much on how to pick women that will be more than a one night stand. So I thought I’d dedicate some thought to just that. Today I’m going to cover how I personally choose women and have had quite some success in doing so…

  • Stop dating easy women, but don’t be manipulated.

Thinking this way is somewhat controversial in the pickup community, because a lot of pickup artists might argue that even loyal women are easy for a man they are truly attracted to.

However I find this to be false the majority of the time. In my experience the women that take – usually 1xtra date to have sex – are the most loyal the majority of the time.

Yes there are women that take extra long just because they want to use the guy. Nevertheless you can filter these women out by just trying to get them to buy a round or 2 of drinks. If they can’t, then case closed – get rid of her.

  • Put your foot down if necessary.

When I say this I mean to get used to speaking up if a girl is mistreating you. If the girl is right, then she’ll stay regardless of you getting mad at her.

  • Always be willing to leave when you are being taken advantage of.

The right girl will come after you every time you leave. I know because when I’m in a long term relationship, I am in it because the girl is one that won’t let me leave so easy.

You should never be the one running back after her. If you find yourself in this position, then it is already too late. The only way to make things better is to find someone that is grateful for having you.

  • Stay away from women that have slept with your friends.

Unless you live in a very small town, then most of us have control over who we get involved with. Refrain from having sex with women that your friends have history with.

You will never have a fully meaningful relationship with this woman. It will perpetuate nothing but a feeling of hollow detachment and you will never experience any kind of deep fulfillment being with a woman like this.

  • Only focus on women that have a habit of being in long term relationships.

A pattern I’ve noticed over the years is that quality women have an obsession with being in serious relationships. Even though they may take longer to sleep with, they are usually great in bed with whomever it is they finally settle down with. Therefore there is no reason to be thinking that just because a woman isn’t easy, that she has my drive for sex. These are two completely different things.

Aside from that, you’ll also experience an overwhelming obsession with loyalty. Which is clearly not a bad thing and trust me it is quite gratifying knowing that you don’t have to worry about your girlfriend giving out her number to another guy when you’re in the bathroom.

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 dating tips for men in their 20s

20s dating advice

PUA Picture remember my 20s and how much fun they were, but I also remember the missed opportunities I also had because of lack of experience. I passed into my 30s not too long ago and I am going to share what I think everyone should here when in their 20s. So here goes…

20s dating advice pickup

1) Stay away from long term relationships:

As much as you may think you are ready, you are most likely not and neither is the girl you are dating. Most men aren’t realistically ready to settle down until their late 30s – so don’t be in a hurry to find “The one” anytime soon. Just enjoy your youth and take every hookup with a grain of salt.

2) Don’t have kids:

Although I did have kids in my 20s, I still advise strongly against it. Yea, you may still be relatively young when your kid is ready to go off to college, but you are going to be busting your ass 10 times more than you ever did the moment that kid is born.

So I advise to hold off until at least your late 30s. This way you will probably, not just have more money, but also have a better idea of what you want in a partner and much more game – so you can actually attract your ideal counterpart.

3) Date women to understand them:

In stead of just going out and hoping you get lucky, try new things and always be trying to learn more about women. Relate and try your best to empathize with them. Try to figure out how a woman looks at the world. When you can master this, then getting a woman comfortable enough to go home with you will be a breeze.

4) Work toward breaking 100 lays:

I remember when I first broke 100 lays… I felt like I hit a whole different level with women and you will too. You’d have to live it to understand what it feels like to look in a beautiful woman’s eyes in a bar, knowing you’ve been with 100 women as beautiful or more beautiful than her.

This is what I like to call reference confidence… it’s something that can’t be faked. Women smell this kind of experience. If you are always going for the hottest girl in the bar, then once you finally hit 100, meeting women will almost seem effortless.

Now that about does it…

This advice is aimed to allow you all to enjoy your 20s to your full potential. So keep it in mind if you are feeling lost and need some kind of guidance. That’s all I have for today, keep grinding!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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