PUA Tips: 5 Tips for a Successful Date with the Woman You Like

5 Tips for a Successful Date with the Woman You Like:

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sking a girl out, especially a stranger, can be an unusually nerve wracking experience for many men. There are some men who appear naturally endowed with this talent. They step up to the plate with confidence, use wit and charm to their advantage, and never seem to lose their composure. But what about the vast majority of men who almost get into a state of paralysis when it comes to approaching a woman they like? Thankfully, with the right dating advice, combined with application, they too, can master ‘the game’. The key to success here is confidence, and not cheesy pick-up lines.

Let us, then, go over tips that will boost your chances of both securing and ensuring a successful date with the women you fancy. Here is a list of dating advice with 5 examples you should always bear in mind.

1) Approaching a stranger:

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Remember that women are naturally suspicious when approached by a stranger. Your goal should be to put her at ease, not to further perpetuate that initial feeling of suspicion. This is not the time to be show off your cockiness. In other words, you should stay away from comments on her attractiveness, or body type. Nor is this the right time to try your typical pick-up lines; the only time I say a pick-up lines is when she asks me for one and then I usually use something that is clever and funny. Instead, you should look to ask her a casual question to get the conversation going. For example, if you are at a coffee shop, a good question would simply be to go up to her and ask about other coffee shops in the area that offer a WiFi facility. A gender neutral question like that assures her that you genuinely value her opinion instead of merely being interested in her sexually. The seduction can come later.

If she is interested, she would respond with a few questions of her own. You can continue the conversation for a while and round it off by telling her how nice she was to you with her answers and thank her. This is also a great time to ask her, in a casual manner, if she would be fine in trying out other coffee shops in the neighborhood.

2) Grooming and dressing for the date:

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Women are exceptionally good at noticing the details. It would be a good idea not to let little things like unkempt hands put her off you. When it comes to dress, the golden rule is to feel comfortable. Unless the two of you have agreed to go to some formal occasion, you can forget about your classy suits. Suits give off an uptight vibe that is best avoided on a date. Casual shirts, trousers, jeans, etcetera, work best. Make sure your shoes go well with the the rest of outfit. Women notice shoes. Wear a light cologne, you should smell nice but not overpowering.

3) Choose the right venue:

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As a rule of thumb, you should plan your date at a venue where you have been before. Having been to the venue before ensures you know what to expect, makes you feel comfortable, and gives you a sense of control. Women like a man who appears in control. Being on a date is a delicate affair and you do not want to add to the unpredictability by choosing an unfamiliar venue.

4) Look confident:

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Let us be clear on this, not many men feel confident when they are out on a date with a woman they like for the first time. But it can be faked, and it pays off if you get good at it. One of the biggest signs of lacking confidence is when you start talking incessantly. It makes you appear nervous, and bores your date. Instead, keep your remarks short and try to be a good listener. Being a good listener also makes your date feel valued.

5) Follow up:

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It would be a waste of a date, and all the dating advice, if you fail to follow up. The first date establishes the chemistry and now your chance to practice the art of seduction.

So to finish…

Never allow yourself to be overcome with doubt; your biggest enemy. Doubt will kill any attraction with women and it’s one of the most important skills necessary for getting the hottest women.

Now I will leave you with an interesting book that will help, as I do always… to expand thoughts and open minds to a more productive and rewarding lifestyle. Allow me to introduce…

The Mystery Method” by Erik Von Markovik.

Just click the icon below to begin reading “The Mystery Method” now.

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-PUA Redsky

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