PUA Tips: Top 5 dating tips for guys who have been gaming awhile without results

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W-design-1 pua picturehen some of you got into the game, you probably expected to become a master seducer within the first couple of years or so. Unfortunately for many of you (Including myself.) it didn’t progress that way.

In stead I had to learn for much more than 2 years, something like 5-6, until I started to see the matrix. Now it’s in every aspect of my life and yes I have conquered approach anxiety; which is possible.

So I’m taking the time to share my own input on the 5 most important things you need to focus on in order to start seeing massive results – which are listed below…

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1) Lack of Style.

One thing that women pay attention to is a guy’s sense of style. So if you look like you don’t put thought into how you look, then it will show in your style.

I gamed a long time without really caring, but one day I just thought to myself “What the hell” and decided to put more thought into it. Low and behold I’m having more women come up to me on their own. So basically changing up my look made the attraction process half as hard.

If you are like I was and overlook this, then it just might be one of your sticking points. So in short, don’t neglect your style.

2) Lack of Health.

For me, these days are way more focused on health than anything. Now that I’m so knowledgeable about women – I want to make sure I can enjoy this new-found freedom for as long as possible.

It’s amazing what a healthy state of mind can do for your life. Tons of energy leading to more intriguing conversations and tons of energy leading to tons of hot times between the sheets as well. So get your diet in check fast. I personally suggest looking into the Keto (Short for ketogenic.) diet.

As for fitness… get a gym membership and start working out at least 3 times a week. Do an hour of weights, then finish it off with a 30 minute walk. If you don’t know how to lift weights, do a few sessions with a trainer until you have a good routine figured out and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

3) Lack of Escalation.

Now escalation is a tough skill to master. Not for the technical aspects, but because most men feel like creeps trying to touch a girl.

The truth is that women naturally become submissive to men they are attracted to. Consider it some sort of biological programming created through generations of evolution.

Basically when the female mind analyzes a potential mate and deems him good enough – subconsciously and/or consciously – they naturally become willing to submit to his advances. So the only way you can ever find out if a woman sees you as a suitable mate is by trying to sleep with her.

So trying to sleep with her would look something like:

You approaching her and having a normal conversation. Maybe asking her where she’s from and telling her where you’re from. Then you may judge her level of interest by how excited she becomes when you tell her these things; or maybe just by how excited she is to talk with you. If she is smiling – that’s is always a good sign.

Now you got her smiling and impressed by you. Next step could be suggesting she come to another part of the bar where it’s not as noisy or outside with you for a smoke. I’ve had women come outside with me that didn’t smoke before – just to accompany me. If a girl likes you, she’ll be willing to follow you almost anywhere.

Once you get her isolated, then you can move in to kiss. Your kiss has a lot of power so figure out what women like – all you have to do is ask them.

When she gives you the kiss, make sure it is good and do it until she’s breathing hard. After she’s breathing hard grab her butt firmly. From here you can go close to the Vag. If she isn’t pushing your hand away, go for fingering.

If a girl lets you finger her, you might as well try to bang her in the bathroom somewhere. If that’s not an option, then ask her if she lives close by. If that’s neither an option, then tell her, “Let’s go to my place.” I promise you she will most likely say yes.

Remember even a pervert that tries to make the moves on every woman he sees is going to get laid more often than an exceptional looking guy that just sits around and expects women to fall out of the sky.

4) Lack of Logistics.

Yes – this is a skill you need to get in check and I’ll break in down for all of you. First off, you need to make sure you are always at least a 15 minute cab ride from your place; whether gaming on weekends or when out on dates.

Sometimes girls just aren’t willing to leave with a guy they just met. However they will still go to first or second base (Fingering, ass-grabbing, etc.). When you see this – like I mentioned earlier – just try to take her to a bathroom. I know some awesome clubs here in NYC that have cool, clean and large bathrooms that are also unisex; can’t get any more convenient for hooking up than that. Just look around and you’ll find something like this – especially if you live in a big city.

5) Lacking Social skills.

What are social skills?

Good question… I’ll categorize it for you now. Social skills are comprised of, but not limited to, your ability to tell stories, your sense of humor, your demeanor, your level of confidence, your level of comfort in social situations and many more.

For starters, the most important things to focus on are your ability to tell stories and your ability to be funny. I’ll cover these now…

Funny stories or jokes:

You can easily learn a few jokes; there are plenty online. Remember nothing sexist, racist, political or just stupid.

For me personally, I might just tell a story like, “One time I was in Japan and I was in club with a few expats. All of the security were telling everyone to leave and the drunk British guy in our group decides to tell them to fuck off. Next thing I know I see this whole group of skinny Japanese guys come in and literally lift the guy off the floor all the way to the entrance. The guy was a big dude too – he was like 6’3″ at least. That was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen”

This is why I advise people to travel. When you travel your acquire so many hilarious experiences that you can go on for hours and never run out of shit to talk about.

So that about breaks it down for today…

If you have been gaming for awhile and feel like you are still not getting shit done, then take note of what I wrote above. Read it and read it again. Don’t procrastinate and remember to always be pushing your comfort zone. So that’s all I got today, thanks for your support and keep going out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 tips for never to get screwed over

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I am pretty big on not making enemies and if I meet someone that I see a potential enemy, then I will sever ties pretty quickly. So for all of you that are not as experienced with people – I thought I’d put this together to help you all, not just choose better girls, but also better friends in general.

The following principles in regard to this are…

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1) Come to terms with the fact that most people are out for themselves.

Yes, this is an ideology that is somewhat comforting – especially in a ‘dog eat dog city’ such as New York; where I live. In stead of getting your feelings hurt, then you can just come to terms with this somewhat Machiavellian principle that I’ve come to appreciate.

Although, not everyone is like this, the majority of the world are out for themselves; maybe not consciously, but subconsciously. So when you can alter your paragdigm to align with this ideology, then you are much more less likely to put yourself in risky situations that may not turn out in your favor.

2) Never give more than what someone is willing to give you.

This can be applied to who you choose as a wing-man and to the women you choose to form relationships with. Otherwise you will be spending your time and money on other people, that most likely, view you as lower than them.

I personally am into being respected and not being taken advantage of. And yes there may be some people that have a personal masochistic kink – such as the opposite of this principle – yet I know many do not. So if you are like me and don’t like being taken advantage of, then pick the people that you spend your time with wisely.

3) Offer value is exchange for value.

Another interesting way to view this is from the perspective of a “buyer versus a seller”. A seller is coming from a perception where they are trying to convince the person that they are worth their time. A seller’s view is seen as lower value than the buyer’s.

So in short, be the buyer and in order to do so, then you need to internalize that you have something of high value to offer. When you can demonstrate this effectively, or have a high sense of self-worth (confidence), the right people will stay and the wrong people will quickly stay away; because they see that they can’t use you.

4) Don’t talk too much.

Another Machiavellian principle… never reveal too much about yourself. Allow people to gradually get to know you over time. Doing this will create a more profound bond and people will respect you more.

You’ll also be able to distinguish who you want to keep around. The more time you are around a person, then to more likely someone will reveal their true self; so give everyone a grace period of about 1 1/2 – 2 months. You’ll learn their true intentions and true character. Whether they actually are quality people that are capable of creating a symbiosis that you both can benefit from; these are the best relationships. The more relationships that you can create like this, then you will be more likely to achieve a higher level of success in life.


Relationships should be of great importance in one’s life. Overly selfish people that think they don’t need people often tend to be dissatisfied wth life and unhappy. Yes, people can cause a lot of pain, but that is only when you surround yourself with the wrong people.

The right people are the only real recipe for happiness and that is me speaking from experience. We all have an innate need for acceptance. Do not be ashamed for wanting to be accepted, just get better at finding the right people to accept you. So that is all I have to say for today, hope I was able to help some of you and have a great week!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 3 Dating Tips for Getting over a Broken Heart

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S-design-1 pua pictureome of you that are reading this may know me on social media and see me with all the girls I’ve been with. It may seem like women are coming into my life with ease, but I actually undergo a great deal of emotional stress with every relationship I have.

With every woman I get involved with there will be a time when they choose to leave or viceversa. Nevertheless when I am on the receiving end of the spectrum it is still as painful as anyone else. However I am used to it now and know that not every woman is going to want to stay in my life.

So instead of getting bent out of shape I have 3 things I do to help me move on and not let the pain send my life into a downward spiral. I’ve listed the following below…

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1) Tell her how you feel.

Whether you are angry or whatever it helps to tell her exactly how you feel. I don’t waste time doing it in person honestly. Why would I waste my time going all the way over to meet her when she doesn’t give a fuck about me anyway?

So instead I do it through text… it is simple and she can’t avoid it. You can tell her everything you want censored or uncensored. Yes she may try to tell you that you are a jerk, asshole, loser, etc. But you got it out of your system; believe me it will help.

2) Start dating other women – the more the merrier.

The best way to meet women, in my opinion, is with street game. I suggest going around a busy part of your city and taking out your earphones when doing this; you focus better. Start by asking for directions to a good resaurant, pub or some kind of venue where you can sit down.

After she’s stopped then she will answer you – that is if she knows the area. Following that I just point out the fact that I find her attractive and ask her if she wants to get coffee some time. She will either say yes or no.

If she says no, then you can try to turn the no into a yes by insisting you are a good guy or whatever reason you can think of – it might work. However I usually don’t try to persist unless we’ve had some decent conversation and I can tell we are comfortable around each other; the choice is yours to make.

Usually it will take 3-5 tries to get a good-looking woman’s number; at least for me. Some days I’ll get a number on my first try and some days I’ll get 2-3 numbers in a row. Nevertheless on average it takes me 3-5 tries for every solid number. So I am assuming it will take the same for you guys also.

After I get each number I will text them my name – so they know who it is. Once I get around 10 numbers then I try to set up dates with the women that are texting me the most first. Yet I still message the others – especially if I like a certain girl in particular. From 10 numbers I can usually get a few dates a week. From there it is just a matter of time before I meet someone new.

3) No contact.

This is probably the most important detail in my opinon: You need to cut her off. It is best to delete her from social media, your phone and not have any intention of seeing her again. You shouldn’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with you. That is a recipe for misery and you would be a fool to hang on, because there is clearly nothing there. So don’t even consider trying to rekindle things. It will never work out, I’m sorry but it is the cold, hard truth.

And that’s what I have to do…

It is easy to go out and send a lot of money boozing it up and whining to a bartender or some random bum on the street about how much your life sucks. Yet that is not the most productive way to handle a breakup in my opinion.

So focus on these 3 things the next time you experience this. You’ll be on your way back to normal in no time. Just remember that pain is temporary and you shouldn’t want to be with anyone that doesn’t want to be with you; straight up. Now get up and go do what it takes to make “you” happy!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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