PUA Tips: The 4 P’s

The 4 P’s

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o I was thinking about the right behavior that will basically make any woman fall in love with you; at least over time. Behavior can do this because the way women choose a life-long mate… well the way quality women choose a mate is not entirely superficial.

You don’t have to be the best looking guy; hence Jessica Alba’s husband. All you need is to have is a great personality and a great vibe about you. A perfect example is Joe Rogan for instance…

Watch Joe Rogan and Jenna Jameson below…

Joe Rogan never has a problem getting women, you can see Jenna Jameson throwing herself at him above…

He is chilled out, no ego and seems like he just loves to have a genuinely good time wherever he hobbles off to.

So now I am going to cover 4 things that will pretty much get you almost every woman you pursue. I like to call them the 4 P’s.

These 4 P’s are…


PUA picture Playfulness

Be playful and hone your game to a series of jokes that are actually good. Not only that, but you need to figure out what a good sense of humor is and not just what ‘you’ find funny.


PUA Picture positivity

Keep your words clean and positive, even up-lifting, at times. This will show her independence and that you are someone that will not faulter and whom she can lean on when she may need a boost inspiration herself.


PUA picture persistence

This is what separates you from the friend-zone, you need the balls to actually try to get what it is you want. Not getting discouraged when she says no. Even if she does say no, if she is being playful and receptive to having conversation, then that is an indication that she is still attracted to you. However, she may just be seeing someone or emotionally unavailable.


PUA picture patience

Don’t ever be pushy or forceful in any way, because this is not how love/bonding develops. Don’t be whiney or complaining about things she does that you don’t like excessively. If you expect women to want to be around you long term then you need to allow them to get completely comfortable around you. If you bitch and complain all the time, then you are just going to scare them off; at least the quality girls.

In conclusion…

You need to start thinking about all of the formal and you’ll be good to go or at least significantly better than you were. For now on pay attention to this stuff every time you go out. The ‘4 P’s’ can be added to your gaming foundation. Take a mental note and add them to your mental checklist whenever you advance upon a new target.

Next time I will get into “the real reasons” why guys get friend-zoned or pushed into the nice-guy category.

Furthermore, I have a great new book to suggest for those that are wanting to read some quality material that will make a difference. Allow me to introduce to all of you…

Models: Attract women through honesty” by Mark Manson.

Just click the icon below to begin reading “Models” now.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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