PUA Tips: How to tell stories

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A-design-1 PUA picture lot of us tell stories to our friends and people we work with. Sometimes we do this for their support, to give advice and sometimes just to motivate each other. This is a valuable skill, but what makes a great storyteller and what makes a great story?

We live in the age of information and no one will know about anyone that can’t tell a good story. Facts never stick in anyone’s mind unless a story is behind it. Creating a great story with some emotion behind it will be all you need to form a memory in your target audience’s minds. Those who can master the art of story-telling have a significant advantage over those that are oblivious to this skill and anyone can master this with a little bit of hard-work and dedication.

Below are a few ways to start developing this unique skill…

Think about the message:

Whenever you practice telling a story you must consider the audience and what message you are trying to send. Whatever path your story goes down should correlate with that message. If you are trying to convince a girl to go home with you, then you can tell a story about how you’ve been playing guitar for years, share that journey and then just finish off by telling her you learned a really great song – possibly something she’s heard or has mentioned before. When you’ve brought her home, you can just play her another song and tell her you thought she was talking about that song.

Share Real-Life Stories

Some of the best stories come from our own experiences. Think about what you’ve already gone through in life – I’m sure you can pick something interesting to talk about if you really think about it. Maybe you can even teach a lesson that someone has taught you through their own stories. Don’t be afraid to share a little piece of yourself, people will appreciate you for it.

Be Humble

Remember not to make yourself the coolest guy in your stories either. Don’t talk about how awesome your life is, because you are only impressing yourself. You are the one telling the story – so tell a story that you would like to hear yourself. A story includes great experiences, things you’ve learned from other people and if you are going to brag, then brag about cool people you’ve met. Don’t be afraid to bring people in the audience also – you can do this by mentioning someone in the audience that reminds you of “a great guy you went to school with”. Including the audience in a positive light can and will create a deeper bond – which will make it easier for you to influence the group.

Focus On A Challenge

When telling a good story, the easiest way to create intrigue is by introducing a challenge of some kind. Whether you are talking about a fight or just explaining what happened earlier before you met whoever you are telling the story to. It’s also a good idea to bring up a challenge when trying to motivate others – believe it or not, we like to hear that something isn’t going to be easy. This makes sense because naturally whenever something becomes easy for us, then we tend to lose interest.

Simpify The Details

You don’t have to say anything emotionally either. All you need is something to the point and that gets your message across. Remember that sometimes saying less will make the listener want to know more. Don’t get caught up in dates, times and ridiculous details as well, just focus on the interesting parts of what you are trying to say. What’s important is the delivery and how you say it and what exactly is being said. Some examples are confident tonality, focusing on why something was funny to you – think why it made you laugh. Also describing someone’s struggle to fame; like a rock-star or artist that you are inspired by. Topics like these are perfect for building familiarity or comfort.

More Practice, More Expertise

funny storytelling pua article

Knowing how to tell a great story is an incredible skill and a true art that needs honing through careful observation. The only way to perfect it is through application – so take advantage of every person that gives you an opportunity to practice. Learn to tell a story that is fascinating and will stay in a listeners mind long after telling it. Spend time thinking about what parts of a story will be the most compelling; doing so will be immensely rewarding. People will want to listen to you more and more, until you will start to become overwhelmed with all the attention.

What To Focus On The Most


Think about who you’re talking to — pick something that the people you are talking to can identify with the best.
Think about the main points.
Think about what inspires you most in the story.


Never doubt yourself — remember we all have something interesting that has happened to us at some point.
Don’t make yourself the hero.
Don’t give every exact detail – time, place, date, etc. Just state what was interesting.

So I think I covered everything I wanted to discuss today. Keep these things in mind when you are out next and keep pushing your comfort zone – no excuses.

To finish off, here is another good book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Game” by Neil Strauss A.K.A PUA Style.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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