PUA Tips: Lessons learned from Genghis Khan

Lessons learned from Genghis Khan:

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o I’ve recently been reading a lot about the life of Genghis Khan. This man only stood about 5’8 (173 cm’s) tall and still had, not only a great existence, but an extremely rough child-hood. Many of you might not know this, Khan’s father was a chief of a small tribe, but was poisoned while Khan was a young teenager.

He even had to kill his own brother, following the event of his father’s death, just to take control of the tribe. This was even after his father already made it clear that he was destined to be leader. Not only that, his family eventually became ostracized by the clan.

According to what I’ve read, something clicked in Khan’s head that caused him to become determined to take back control of ‘his tribe’. With an iron-clad will he raised an army of 20,000 men and dominated the enemy into submission; thus taking back the tribe.

But that’s not all he did… he went along to build an even larger army and eventually conquered most of the known world.

Among learning what I just mentioned, I also read the details of which allowed him to become so successful in life. I took note of 3 things that intrigued me and I think can be applied to achieving success in life, even today.

These 3 things are…

#1-Genghis was willing to adopt new, more efficient methods to reach his goals in battle, even if it meant using knowledge from already-conquered enemies:

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Of what I learned about Genghis, the man was a ‘Chameleon’. He was able to mold his way of living and conquering into whatever was necessary to at the stay at the top of the totem pole. This is very similar to how I’ve developed and have continued to develop my personal means of getting the women and things I want.

At times I have gamed with people that have inspired me to expand my thinking, by allowing me to see things from a different point of view. Not just that, I am even given motivation when hearing of other’s personal achievements. At other times I can even enjoy a little rivalry.

#2-When Gengis Khan took his men into battle, he made sure his army had a steady supply of food, weapons and medical support:

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I considered this metaphor for the physiological part of one’s health. I think we can apply the concept of ‘food’ to what we put in our bodies. If you’re body isn’t getting the right support (Nutrients, exercise, etc.) then we will spiral down into a state of self-destruction.


For weapons, I am referring to the instruments that enable one to accomplish their goals. This can be such things as social skills, education, so on and so forth. The idea of this in ‘pick-up’ would be new techniques, experience with more situations that taught you how to behave to attain the desired goal.


As for Medical Support, I would say this applies to a PUA’s personal mind-set and beliefs. I think having a purpose that one is passionate about would be the best way to get this vessel under control.


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If there is one thing, I definitely noticed from learning about this man, it is that Khan had a desire to win that was insanely strong; he didn’t care if he died in the process. Even when he had the whole tribe against him, where most people would give up and run off, he chose not to let it discourage him. He took what he thought was rightfully his and there was nothing anyone could say or do about it.

If ‘you’re a man’ and you want something, then you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. If you want a super-model, then you need to start on the journey to become the man that a super-model will date.

Now to wrap things up…

So that is where Genghis Khan took my mind earlier and I highly suggest reading about influential people, even if they are controversial. A person can get a lot out of it; it will keep the optimism alive.

Now I’ll leave everyone with the very same book that took me on the journey through the life of our man ‘Genghis’ himself. Allow me to introduce…

Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world” by Jack Weatherford.

Just click the icon below to begin reading “Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world” now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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