PUA Tips: Top 5 Tips on how not to be boring

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S-design-1 pua pictureo some of you may be thinking… boring? How not to be boring? Should be common sense right?

Well the reality is that men and women have different ideas of what boring is all about. You can most likely blame that on the different algorithms for how hormones are injected into our nervous systems.

Some of you may think you have a significant grasp on how not to be boring, yet still aren’t going home with a different beautiful woman every weekend. So in the end you may be able to keep the girl entertained, but aren’t hitting the switch that triggers her to want to sleep with you.

Today my friends, I’m going to talk about how to be more intriguing to your next date. So let’s get ready to focus. I’ve listed a few concepts to send you all on your way…

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1) Find and address commonalities.

It’s not hard, you just need to start off by asking simple questions. Some simple questions to get the ball rolling are…

– What’s your name?

This opens you up to relate… you can relate by saying you had a friend in school/a cousin with that name, etc. Even if you don’t, it will make her begin to feel more comfortable with you.

– Where are you from?

This is a good way to understand her a little more – especially if you have been to where she’s from. Again, focus on relating to whatever her answer is.

– You look creative – are you a musician/artist?

I usually will ask her this if she is wearing something colorful or vintage, etc. If she is dressed a little less casual, then I may ask if she’s an accountant or something less creative.

2) Travel.

This is a pretty big no-brainer and even if you suck at conversing, then you can always just ramble on about where you’ve been. If you’ve been all over the world, then people will always have questions about the different places they haven’t been yet.

Not just that, being well travelled is a form of demonstrating higher value. It shows you aren’t afraid to take risks and are adventure seeking; which are traits of a typical alpha, traits that women crave.

3) Read.

Yes, that’s right – you’ll be surprised how many people love to read. If you’ve read a book that someone else has read, then that is almost a guaranteed instant connection.

4) Go to concerts and events.

When you have an interesting lifestyle and are passionate about your interests, then people will appreciate you more than if you just sit at home and play videogames in your free time. Concerts are not just a great way to be more interesting, you’ll meet a lot of like-minded people as well; hence improving the quality of your network.

When you have a high quality network you’ll have more fun going out, because you are hanging out with people that are like you. In return you’ll feel better and women will take more notice of you as a happy, rather than just some random guy out to get some pussy.

5) Never stop seeking self-improvement.

This comes back to the my own 3 pillars of pickup…

Physical well-being: This includes working out, a healthy diet and being well-groomed. When you have this in check, then you’ll notice that you have a big advantage compared to the guys trying to meet women with dad bodies or those that can double for humpty dumpty.

Mental well-being:

The more knowledge one has then the more in control you’ll feel in life in general. Whether you have multiple degrees, read 60 books a year or have a successful business, you should always be striving to reach the next level. The more you accomplish then the higher your confidence will be in the game of life.


Style is almost as powerful as looking like Brad Pitt in “Fight Club”. If you know how to dress in a comfortable, yet attractive fashion, then naturally, women are going to be more interested. I suggest spending a little time trying to figure out your own look.

This isn’t something that can be accomplished in one day either. You need to go out and experiment with different looks. After awhile you’ll notice what outfits get the most attention. So you’ll have a better idea of what to get when you’re out shopping.

In conclusion…

Being an interesting person is not something that most people are born with. Much like anything else you want to improve in – you must work at it. A good way to get off to a good start is by asking yourself this simple question…

“Would I find myself interesting if I just met me?

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for this week. Hope this write-up was of help for most of you. Now get to work and keep going out!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 tips for having a sexy, confident voice

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W-design-1 pua picturehen I first started out, I sometimes would not pay attention to my voice tonality. I would get excited about something and for some reason my voice would get higher. I was somewhat soft-spoken as well. If you listen to me now, you’ll see that there is nothing soft spoken about my voice. I sound exactly the way a man should sound and women even tell me, quite often, that they like the sound of my voice. With careful practice and diligent effort – you all can accomplish this as well.

Below I’ve included a few thoughtful tips that I personally paid attention to on my journey to mastering my own voice…

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1) Speak slower.

This is actually a great habit to get into because people, not just women, will listen to you more. You’ll be understood better and will ilicit better responses. The delivery of how you say things has a lot of power and is definitely worth analyzing. Experiment with the speed to find out what has the most desirable response when you are out with people next.

2) Practice and listen to yourself.

There is nothing wrong with talking to yourself – at least in this case. Use your own judgement and listen to how you say words. Focus on particular words and be creative about it. Conversation is an art-form; think of everything you say to a woman as though you are painting a picture with words. If you sound monotone and boring, then the picture is going to look dull and cheap. If you see conversation as a form on expression, then you’ll become much more interesting to listen to.

3) Pronounce words.

Focus on this… part of being a good with women, or people in general, is being a good communicator. If you are easy to understand, then people will be more willing to relate with you; hence forming stronger bonds or being more likable.

4) Listen carefully to those with a tonality you desire.

I would say one of the best exercises for developing this aspect of your game is through carefully analyzing actors or people you think have good tonality. Just listen to them and find out if their voice is in your vocal range.

The way you can tell if it’s in your range is by trying to mimic the way it sounds. If it is not that difficult, then you found a tonality that is realistic for you. If it is too difficult, then simply move on to someone else. Do this until you’ve found someone’s tonality that is the most comfortable for you.

Last of all…

Like I said in the beginning of the article… I don’t know how many times women have told me they liked the sound of my voice. I’ve spent some significant time trying to find it and it has definitely been time well spent. I suggest you all consider this as well. Now that’s all for today, hope I was able to help some of you – now get up off your computer and go out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 Dating tips for texting women

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S-design-1 pua pictureo on all my social media outlets I am always getting bombarded with questions in regard to texting. People ask me questions like when do you text after getting the number? How much should you text? So on and so forth.

So today I decided to write a thoughtful article about it just for all of you that have asked me. All these concepts are based on the majority of questions I’ve received over time and also based on the most insightful knowledge I have came across online. So to get started, the following are…

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1) Balance the momentum.

Bottom line, you shouldn’t text her too much or not enough. 1-2 times a week is best and if she doesn’t reply, then depending on how much you like her, wait a week and try again. If she doesn’t respond after a couple of times of doing this, then move on. You did all you could do… anymore trying is just going to scare her off.

2) Don’t overuse emoticons.

Less is always more in this case. There is nothing masculine about a guy that uses more emoticons than a girl he’s trying to talk to. If anything, the focus should be on waiting a little bit; see how much she’s willing to invest first.

3) Text soon after first getting the number.

I’ve lost track of all the times I meet a girl that acts conservative in front of her friends, then I text her the next day and end up spending the night at her place. Always with a night full of sex.

So jump on it quickly before someone else snatches her up. Especially in a big city like New York – you could be competing with 10 other guys.

4) Push for meeting up as soon as she can.

Like I said before, act fast and be assertive. It is actually a turn on to most women when a guy shows that he knows what he wants. Don’t be afraid to message her the next day either – especially if you really hit it off when you first met.

5) Avoid complex discussion.

The phone is not a place for discussion and until they make it possible for a woman to give you an orgasm over the phone, then you should be only using it as a tool for getting her out on a date. So cut to the chase, answer her if she asks you anything, but don’t ask her anything that you can ask when the two of you are together.


It should be straight to the point and just aimed at getting her to meet up with you. When you meet in person, then you can work your magic and if you don’t have any magic, then at least you’re in the right place. So that’s all for today, now go out and meet some women!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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