PUA Tips: A look at Frame-control

PUA Tips: Frame Control

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What is this?

I know a lot of us may have heard this term and are not quite sure exactly what it is. This is something that is commonly used, not just in pick-up, but in other important areas of our lives.

For many, as we embark on different journeys and overcome different obstacles in life, we may feel a bit more comfortable in our own shoes. We develop a sense of purpose and after overcoming obstacle after obstacle we start to become more strong-willed. We will also realize what we truly value in life.

In time a man who has seen a lot will get a better sense of what they are capable of; or what kind of impact they have on the world. A person that has experienced a lot in life will typically tend to have a strong frame. In other words, he will not feel easily intimidated by beautiful women if he has had a good amount of experience with other women just as attractive from other times before.

How would one describe a frame?

Well, imagine that you are walking around everyday with a frame floating next to you. In every interaction that you have with a person, your frames are going to collide. When they collide, the stronger frame is going to be the remaining frame that has control.

In sales, the salesman is always supposed to maintain control of the frame or hold their frame. In doing this he is better able to push his ideas on to his client. Whether it be convincing them why they should get his product, why his product is going to be a good choice or how the product is going to make their life better; one of the concepts used for winning them over and “getting that sale” is mainly based around a little thing called ‘frame control’.

A meeting with a group of businessmen comes together to make decisions on how they should continue running their organization. In the process ideas are thrown out and against each other. Some of these ideas agree and other ideas clash, but in the end, the remaining ideas are created by those that maintain the strongest frame. Those that are not willing to submit to the other’s ideas will control the frame.

It does not matter whether these people chose to submit because the ideas were more intelligent, logical, ethical, beneficial, etc. The truth is that you can shape words into explanations that will make almost anything seem logical, ethical or beneficial; but it does not necessarily mean they are… What it means is that some of these men were not willing to continue arguing; therefore they allowed their frames to be absorbed by the strongest frame.

When you come in contact with a member of the opposite sex, you do not falter. Instead, make sure to look them straight in their eyes. They may try to tease you or maybe even push your buttons to see if you will get angry.

How do we deal with this?

Do we get mad?

Do we ask them to stop?

Do we laugh and make a joke?

The answer to all of these questions is that you do what “YOU” want to do. You don’t question it or allow yourself to become mentally defeated. You hold your frame and if you are convincing enough with your inner-game or inner-confidence, then she will give in.

Now I hope some of you all have a better understanding on what exactly frame control is and how it works.

That’s all I got for today and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newsletter!

-PUA Redsky

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PUA News: Another Spin-off from the Feminazi Saga

PUA News: Spin-off from the Feminazi Saga

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Hello everyone,

I don’t know if any of you remember the video of the woman walking through New York City while being “harassed” by mainly homeless men with a big appetite for butter-faces. But I kind of didn’t get enough out of that article and stumbled across something else I found interesting.

Right here is another video parody of something I found to be quite entertaining. It’s a ‘Starwars Cosplay’ video with a woman that is more attractive than the original, whom also has a good sense of humor about the situation.

Here we are:

So now that you’ve seen it… Now everyone has been brought to light of how nonsensical some women in New York City can be at playing the victim card.

For all the feminists out there, that think you have it hard, I think you should quit playing the victim card and go to a country like Israel for a weekend. I’m sure a weekend in Israel would teach you to appreciate what you got over here.

Go to Gaza… That’s something the world should be worried about, not a few men making a pass on the street.

I think it’s a bit sad seeing these disillusioned females that mainly have just had a few bad experiences with men. All wasting their free time just to bring down the other sex and make them pay for something we had nothing to do with. They could be doing some much more productive things like shopping, getting their hair done and of course going to ridiculous and over-priced pastry shops that wouldn’t even be in business, if not for women. Which is an excellent business I hear.

This is why it is so important for us as men to last longer than 5 minutes and not roll over and go to sleep immediately after getting some action. You never know, you might unintentionally create a feminist.

So anyway, I would like to thank you all once again for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.

All the Best!

-PUA Redsky

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PUA Progress: The Value of Consistency

The Value of Consistency:

Self-improvement quote

I believe being consistent is necessary, otherwise you will hit a plateau. If one really intends to hit the next level with anything, then he must submit to it completely. You can’t put anything before that goal or you’ll never get any better than you were after gaming for a month or so and stopping.

You can’t be more focused on the next Call Of Duty or sitting on the couch/bed watching reality T.V. or Game of Thrones, etc, etc. You can always do that with a beautiful woman next to you in the future.

Furthermore, if you have the idea that pick-up will ruin your life if you get overly invested in it, you are wrong… It will improve it and open up pathways that you didn’t even know were available. The truth is that you are developing a skill that will allow you to advance, not just with women, but with people in general. Over-all, I think the majority of us become better leaders and develop a sense of empathy for everyone that is just starting out; in short, you become more attractive to people in general.

You have to be passionate and like all people with passion; we eventually get what we want. You need not get discouraged at the constant rejection and BS that some women dish out. It’s a long battle of pain and hurt, but that’s what will make you a better PUA and the rewards are well worth it.

There will be times where it seems like all the women are rejecting you, especially in the beginning, but eventually you’ll make it over the hump. You’ll begin to get hotter and hotter women and you’ll develop a completely new sense of self-value.

Especially for those that are just beginning, you’ll under-go a period of overcoming approach-anxiety and it can be one of the hardest struggles in this journey. The key is just to go for it and understand that after a good amount of rejection, then you will just become used to it; which is quite a humbling experience. It will feel that much better when you finally meet a beautiful woman that is interested and even better, when you meet the following after that.

I think many of us get stuck in our head and try to think of ourselves as the ‘top-dog’ and that all women should want us. When taking this perspective for so long, it can be earth-shattering to some people’s egos when they realize that not all women feel this way. I guess for some it is easier to live within a sheltered delusion, rather than accept the reality.

With others it might just be a feeling of inferiority that is bitterly difficult to overcome… Yet for those that want to actually do something about it and escape their delusions; I personally think you need to go out at least 4-5 times a week for at least 3 years to get there. You need to make sure you live in a densely populated city as well. After that amount of commitment and hard work, then you can start getting a sense for what it means to hit a new level in “Game”. That’s what it takes and if you don’t have that work ethic in you then you aren’t gaining zilch.

You can’t be afraid to approach and you can’t be afraid of rejection. It’s vital to get comfortable gaming alone. I know it might be hard for some of you, but these are things that are going to hold you back and keep you from achieving success.

So there it is and I hope I was able to get through to some of you.

Thanks for reading and make sure you subscribe to our newsletter on tips for getting hotter and higher quality women.

I wish you all good luck.

-PUA Redsky

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