PUA Tips: Top 4 dating tips how women manipulate men

S-design-1 pua picture o a thought came to me the other day and it was I thought about how women manipulate men. I know I’ve covered this before but in this kind of topic I feel like there are so many details that I can’t cover everything in one post. Below are a few other points to add to the picture…

1) Guilt trip:

One thing women do a lot of is telling you “you would do this if you cared.” There are few others but I’m not going to get into detail – point is that they try to make you feel bad to get you to do something. When you see a girl doing this get rid of her; plain and simple.

2) Playing a victim:

I guess this kind of falls into guilt-tripping but it’s a whole different type of manipulation game. A lot of young girls do this and of course feminist minded ones as well. The only thing that should come to mind is that only the weak feel like victims and you don’t want to be in the house of the weak.

Instead look for a woman that has qualities that you want to develop or have yourself – could be something like Independence, Lots of discipline, highly motivated, etc. The better you get at walking away, the higher-quality women you’ll end up with.

3) Asking a lot of favors

You also have to worry about gold diggers or potential gold diggers. Given the right environment or situation any woman can switch to gold digger mode. So don’t be too easy to do favors and stay away from women that like asking a lot of favors. Women will take advantage if they see that they can.

4) Withholding sex:

Another big no, no on a woman’s part is when they start trying to manipulate you with sex. This should be a first indication to get the hell out of there. A relationship is built upon sex, if you want a successful relationship, then you need a woman the enjoys having sex with you.

One of the most obvious signs that a girl is a gold digger is when they don’t have sex, but for want to still stay with you. In this case she just wants you for what you can give her and most likely getting the sex elsewhere. You are basically the sugar daddy.

In conclusion…

There are a lot of women that get a kick out of using men – it is not a rare occurrence. It is actually extremely common, probably more common than women that actually respect men. So you need to follow these signs and protect yourself; otherwise you’ll just be played like a fool. Well that about wraps it up… make sure you guys are wrapping up and until next time!

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 signs you’re with a cheater

Cheater pickup picture

S-design-1 pua pictureo over the years I’ve been lucky enough to bed over 100 women, and thanks to this boat-load of experience, I am now a lot more pickier than I was. Thanks to this I am almost always picking girls that stay around for awhile and who love to have sex with me; which is important to me in a relationship.

Among some of the qualities I value, loyalty is one that I am going to discuss today. So today I am going to share some patterns I’ve noticed over the years that almost always lead to women that cheat. The following are listed below…

Cheater-B pickup picture

1) She has a history of cheating.

If somehow you get word from a not-so loyal firend of hers – with women this is common – then let that be a quick red-flag. You don’t have to breakup with her, but just keep her around for purely recreational purposes; if you get what I mean. No point wasting good sex over a few little flaws.

2) She often hangs out with women less attractive than her.

One of my player uncles used to tell me to be wary of women that can’t muster the confidence to befriend people prettier or just as pretty as them. This usually leads to an excessive, unhealthy need for attention – so in essence a cheater. It makes sense if you really think about it.

3) One of her parents cheated.

I never really gave this much thought, but now that I feel I have a pretty good grasp on human psychology, this observation has become very apparent. So If your current woman has divorced parents or has one or more parents that has cheated, then it may be a good idea not to get too attached.

4) Her friends cheat.

This has happened to me a few times actually. I’ll be chilling one day with my girl and her friends and next thing you know her girlfriend is rambling on about how she is fucking three different guys at the same (Has 3 boyfriends.). The next thing I know, I found out a week later that my girl is doing the same.

It’s quite ridiculous actually… women will throw it in your face a million times, but many men are so afraid to see the truth that they’ll convince themselves that she’s the most innocent and loyal woman on Earth. It’s sad but the world can be a very sad place – especially if you are too much of a coward to see the truth.

5) She’s very jealous.

There is this old adage that goes like, “Hurt people will hurt people.”

Where do you think jealousy comes from?

It comes from pain and those that are unable to let go of that pain and allow themselves to be healed will always hurt others. One of the ways you can tell if you are with a hurt person is through jealousy. So don’t be a fool and allow yourself to stay with someone like this.

So that is about it…

Just keep in mind that the majority of women are going to be shit. Keep your emotions to yourself and don’t get attached to just anyone. You should get to know people gradually and don’t just let someone in all at once. So that’s my message for this week, remember to go out and meet some women this weekend!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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