The Tough-hide, Metal Skin of the experienced Pick Up Artist

The Tough-hide, Metal Skin of the experienced Pick Up Artist:

I thought I’d discuss what I personally feel has happened to me, since I’ve been in the pick up artist (PUA) scene for the past 7 years.

When I was younger, I would take a lot of failed attempts with women personally. At one point it took me a little over a year to get over a relationship that I was in. I still stayed in touch with her after, because I felt that maybe we could fix things.

Fortunately, I met someone else randomly that helped me get over the deep-felt pain that the relationship had caused me emotionally. I still felt very sad when I would think about it though.

Years later, I think back to it and the pain that I had felt so intensely, has managed to fade. For a point in time afterward, I think I may have temporarily turned into somewhat of a narcissist. If I never took a liking to the realm of psychology, then I most likely would have stayed that way, thankfully I didn’t.

Today I want to explain what a narcissist is, if you didn’t already know, how they become that way and why it’s harmful. Many pick up artists that I’ve met have become this type of individual and I want to tell those whom are new to the game, you don’t have to become a narcissist to get women. It is not healthy to be a narcissist period.

What causes a narcissistic individual to become that way is mainly pain. Many of us experience devastation and humiliation at one point in our life. Many of us put up barriers due to the belief that we think people are harmful and that it is best to keep everyone at a distance.

Now this may seem right at the time but you need to think about things from an outsider’s perspective. Many women and people, in general, will fall into negativity and may try to harm you emotionally but there are a few that, if you allow yourself to open up with, will allow you to experience a bond and connection that you would never have before.

My transformation from a narcissist to a more empathetic person has taught me a lot and has made me happier than I ever have been. Thanks to this feeling of enlightenment I felt that I might write about it, in hopes of influencing those that are stuck in that dark void of sociopathic detachment. Although, you may feel that you are getting more women than you ever have before, I can guarantee that you won’t find happiness.

Personally, I feel that since I’ve allowed myself to be more open to connecting with women on a natural level, I feel my game has also gotten better.

I believe that if you open yourself up, in hopes of finding those few women that are not out to hurt or take advantage, then you will be able to connect better. I think you will develop a stronger bond and get better at spotting the quality women and not the damaged ones.

So there is something I had on my mind and am glad that I was able to share it.

And remember that the only way to get better is by talking to women, so go out and get to work. Thanks for reading.

-Pick Up Artist Redsky

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What women want

What women want

So I just wanted to refresh the idea that the act of picking up women comes down to her initial interest. I find that women will typically go for the guy they are the most naturally attracted too. It isn’t solely whether you have money, looks, height, age, race, etc. I think it stems mainly from a combination of many factors which are all working together either for or against you.

Here I have a Model that shows the statistics of a number of women’s and men’s actions in comparison with each other:

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Funny Comic: The coveted gamer girl

The Coveted Gamer girl:

I remember when I was a younger lad, I would sometimes come across a girl that I found attractive. Then that same girl would put me to shame in video games that I once thought I was good at.

I don’t know if I was the only one that found this situation appealing but I saw this comic and it tugged on some memories that brought up a nice feeling. So I thought I’d share it with you all.

And here it is:

Seduce women

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