PUA Tips: Top 5 dating tips for keeping the vibe positive

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PUA Pictureremember one time when I was sitting at a Biergarten here is New York City and I was observing a guy at another table. This guy was behaving erratically and just clearly behaving like he had no idea what to do. He naturally was ditched by everyone around him and left there all by his lonesome.

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So I figured I’d take the time to explain a list of tips that will help you all avoid the aforementioned result at all costs. And these tips are…

1) Avoid negative topics.

Simple enough… women like to bring this kind of shit up all the time. The best way, I’ve come to find rather effective, is to just change the subject and continue on to the topic of your choice. If she says anything or tries to go back to the last topic – just hold your frame and don’t falter. She will usually get distracted or just continue on with what you were talking about.

2) Don’t pick arguments.

As obvious as this seems a lot of people still get tangled up in the dumbest arguments just because they can’t let go of their egos. The more you let her under your skin, the less attractive you become.

Women do this subsconsciously to test to see if you are quick to fly off the handle. They also want to see how crazy you get when mad. The best way to win is to just shrug it off and if she gets too childish, then just leave and tell her you’ll be willing to meet up again when she can behave mature. You’ll be surprised how often I’ve gotten apologies for bad behavior after doing this; you have to set boundaries.

3) Talk about things you can both relate to.

A few great fuels for conversation are talking about places you’ve both travelled. Maybe seeing if you’ve been to similar cities – if you travel a lot. Ask her if anything crazy has ever happened when she was travelling. Movies can work also – especially comedies. I bring up the “Ted” movies a lot; mainly because there is plenty of material in those movies to get the conversation more sexual. It works like a charm.

4) Play games.

Taking her out to a pool hall or a bar that has something like darts is a great idea. You have plenty of room to work in some kino and break the touch barrier. You can tease her about shots; a bar with games is a great playground for building comfort.

5) Tell stories about fun experiences.

I usually leave this for when I move on to a 2nd spot. I’ll usually start out at a pool hall, then move on to a pier or place with a nice view. I like to go somewhere quiet so I can tell her about what it was like in New York City when I first moved here. Women eat stuff like that up… like chocolate icecream after a fight with a boyfriend.

In conclusion…

Applying everything mentioned here will pave a safe road on your way to more success with women. Even if you’re in a slump – sometimes it’s good to re-evaluate your game and analyze whether you’ve picked up some bad habits. Signing up for my monthly program will help get you back into the swing of things as well (Sign up for online training course). Just like cars sometimes an experienced PUA needs a tune-up. Anyway, that’s all I got for today now get up and go out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 conditions when women are looking for one-night stands

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pua pictureow this is something that I bet a lot of you might be able use. I’ve decided to narrow down some of the sure-fire times when women are looking to go home with someone. Some of you may have already realized all of these, but for those that haven’t; imagine all the time you might’ve saved doing more productive things if someone just had told you where to look.

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So I am going to give you some of that ‘where to look’ knowledge right now. Below I’ve made a short list of places and situations when women are most likely to be open to one-night stands…

1) On vacation.

Here’s a nice sign that you might get laid tonight. If you meet a girl and she says she’s on vacation and everything is going well between the two of you, then you might be able to isolate her after you’ve snuck in a few kisses. Let’s say she is still holding on to you and not backing off after the kiss-close. Now you can try to isolate and let nature run its course.

2) At bars on the weekends.

This is where I rack up most of my one-night stands honestly. Nothing says, “Easy hookup” like a cheap bar that has a lot of tourists flowing in. Just make sure to always be on good terms with the staff and treat everyone with respect.

3) When in public on an evening or night before a day off.

Yes, this is a good time to swoop in and catch a girl on an unexpected evening stroll. Just come over and introduce yourself or ask for directions. Once you’ve got her stopped, then you can invite her along with you. Tell her it’s your day off and you don’t want to have a drink by yourself. I can’t tell you how many times this has worked for me – sometimes women flat out ask me to go have a drink with them; timing is everything.

4) Concerts.

Almost everyone that goes out to a concert didn’t make plans in the morning. So why not take advantage of this window of opportunity? Take the time to talk to many girls and not just jam out to your favorite musicians performance. Most of the time these events are super easy to get make-outs at as well. Once you’ve gotten a few make-outs then just talk to those girls after and try to convince them to go to an after-party.

Sometimes I’ll actually have an after-party spot available, but if I’ve isolated the girl and she is obviously down to come home, then I’ll just suggest my place instead. If you don’t have an afterhours spot, then ask her if she wants to grab something from the store or some food with you real quick. I’ll usually start making out with her on the way – and judging from how intense we get – I’ll then decide whether it’s worth suggesting to go back to my place.

To conclude…

The time and place can have a lot of power when it comes to seduction. I see guys going out all day long and then seeing other guys that go out at different periods of the day or week – when they know women are in the mood. Guess who is getting more action? The latter of course.

So pay attention to detail and learn to be more observant on such matters as when you notice women being a little more promiscuous than normal. These little bits of information will skyrocket you to the front of the line in the world of getting laid. Now go out and open your eyes!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 4 conversation Starters

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W-design-1 pua pictureell back once more and today I have some helpful information for everyone. I thought I would get into the topic of openers. Since the very first skill to master is the approach, I thought putting together a list of good openers could be useful. The following are…

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1) “Hey, what’s your name?”

Pretty simple and straight to the point. She may reply with the same quesion, but at least you got her talking to you. Just be sure to look her in the eye and stand tall – don’t let your confidence wain.

9 times out of 10 a woman loses interest because a guy shows some subconscious sign if mental weakness. This could be failing to hold eye contact, studdering or just looking too anxious. Learn to just relax and live in the moment.

2) “We haven’t been introduced – I’m (Name).”

I like this one for a single reason and that is because you never hear anyone talk like that – so you come across original. Women respond well to originality; the more original you are then the more interesting you’ll be perceived.

3) You look like you’re from (Country, City, State, tec.).”

Although some may advise that making assumptions about others can offend some people, I still have no problem doing so. The way I see it, is If she was to get offended by me making assumptions, then she will be offended by almost anything. So it’s better to find out who she is first than waste my time and find out later that she was a bitch.

4) “Nice (Flamboyant article of clothing). Hi, I’m (Name).”

I find it fairly obvious to mention a flashy addition to someone’s outfit in conversation. They clearly wore it to be noticed, so they will probably feel a sense of satisfaction when someone takes notice. This is usually a great way to make an above mediocre impression – just make sure not to say something stupid after and kill the vibe.

On top of this…

It’s important to focus on the other issues I discussed in previous articles – such as eye-contact, smiling, etc. What is being said is just constituent of pickup; it’s important you work on the delivery as well. You can master the delivery with practice, but in order to do that, you need to keep going out! So get on it!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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