Meet women while travelling! New Podcast!

For anyone

Welcome to the “Glory Be Thy Night” podcast! Here, we ecstatically discuss the secrets to becoming a success with the ladies and meet women while travelling. Whether you’re looking to make a lasting impression on your first date or simply want to make new friends, you’ll find what you need here.

We’ll share valuable tips, tricks, and strategies on how to make yourself more attractive to women. Additionaly I have included some more tips below…

The first step towards success is improving your body language. Have you ever noticed that people who have good body language tend to be more attractive?

You can start by making sure you’re standing up straight, maintaining eye contact, and smiling. Another great way to show confidence is by making sure you’re speaking louder and more clearly. People are naturally drawn to confident individuals.

In addition to body language, it’s also important to be aware of your verbal communication to meet women while travelling.

When you’re talking to someone, make sure you’re being open and honest. Showing vulnerability is a great way to make a lasting impression. Don’t be afraid to talk about your emotions and experiences. Women appreciate honesty and it will make them feel more connected to you.

The power of confidence is another key component when it comes to winning over the ladies. Try to make sure you’re staying positive and confident in any situation. It may be difficult to do at first, but practice makes perfect. When you’re confident in yourself, it will show in your words and body language. Women will be drawn to you.

Finally, remember to have fun! It’s important to relax and be yourself when you’re out on a date or meeting new people. If you’re trying too hard, it will come off as fake and women will be turned off. Instead, focus on enjoying yourself and your time with others. Having an upbeat and positive attitude will make you more attractive.

At the “Glory Be Thy Night” podcast, we’re here to help you become the success you envision. Tune in for more tips, tricks, and strategies on how to make yourself more attractive to women. With the right tools, you’ll be able to make a lasting impression and find the relationships you’re looking for. So don’t wait any longer, start your journey to success today!



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PUA Tips: Top 5 Principles of Day Game

PUA Picture don’t know some of you may be into Day game, so I figured I might as well bring up how when I first started out I did a great bit of Day game and still do. I find it to be the most efficient form of pickup when it comes to time and money.

If you aren’t a big fan of online game or don’t like blowing a ton of money at bars and clubs, then this is just the thing for you. Today I’m going to explain some principles that will make Day game much easier for most anyone. The following are…

1) Game in crowded places

I say this because you can approach a lot more targets, therefore getting a lot more numbers in a shorter period of time. Think of the Pareto principle… 20% of the women you approach will lead to something. So the more women you meet, then a higher amount of success. In short, the sooner – the better.

2) Pick targets carefully

This comes mostly down to compliance and reading body language. The simplest way to put this is if a girl is being difficult, then move on to someone else. If she is hesitant to go on a date with you then leave her be; there will be plenty more opportunity as long as you keep approaching new targets.

3) Have a game-plan for conversation

My game plan comes down to an acronym… this acronym is FORD. Ford stands for family, occupation, recreation and dreams. The idea is to focus on either of those topics and conversation will just flow. Ask her questions and talk about yourself as well – not much more to it.

4) Have a game-plan for logistics

Most of the time we go back to my place – if we’re going to hookup. Sometimes their place, but no more than 20% of the time. So because of this fact, I always meet the girl at a bar within a 15-20 minute cab ride from home. I have plenty of information on this in my books and in articles on my website as well.

5) Never go home empty-handed

When I say this I mean to make sure you’ve pushed as far as you can. That means if she gives you a kiss – try to touch her butt. If she lets you touch her butt – then try to finger her. If she allows fingering – then ask her to come home with you. So on and so forth.

So that covers that…

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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