PUA Tips: Top 4 tips on how to get over rejection

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I came up with this list of concepts that I personally think allow me to never let myself get too bent out of shape over women. Some of you may know this already, but when you start getting decent amounts of lays on a regular basis, then it can take somewhat of an emotional toll.

For one – you are meeting a lot of women, because you’ll be going out a lot more, which means a lot more rejections as a whole. Another factor is when women leave for whatever reasons – maybe sex is getting dull or she’s moving – you are going to have to say goodbye. This can be tough, but in time it gets easier. The following concepts that will help with getting over women easier are…

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1) Accept that everything comes to an end.

A harsh truth, but it is the truth. Every perfect relationship will eventually come to an end – it doesn’t matter how good it is. So the best mode to get in – or perception to accept – is that one day that giel with the sexy little ass will eventually not see you as sexy anymore. Learn to fall in love with the chase and you’ll never be disappointed.

2) Remember that she’s the one missing out.

Remember that you are the one that has to be “you”. So always view yourself as a sex machine that women would be foolish to pass up. If she can’t handle you confident and proud of who you are, then she’s not the one. If she can’t appreciate your presence, then allow her to appreciate your absense.

3) Approach more women.

Another major truth one will learn in the journey of getting better with women is that you have to go out. If you are staying in all the time and not having the balls to approach more women, then don’t expect to get over anyone.

You need to take massive action and be putting yourself in more social situations more frequently. You also need to be making approaches and not ending those approaches without either trying to hang out at that instant or getting her number. Yes you will get rejected more, but every success you continue to have will ease the emotional toll of every rejection.

4) Make it a habit of prioritizing self improvement over women.

No woman should every be more important than making money, going to the gym or anything related to you achieving greatness. So if she is being selfish and complicating your life, then she’s done. If she is stressing you out to the point where you are feeling depressed, then simply don’t go any further.

So that’s about it…

For me, getting over rejection is about perception… so if you perceive yourself in a bad situation, then you’ll be more likely to dwell on things a bit more. However, if you learn to make light of things and look at all the pay off – from going out and pursuing more women and not whacking off in the house – then you’ll definitely feel better about every situation. Just make sure you have your life lined up right. That’s what I got – thanks for reading and don’t forget to take advantage of the Spring weather!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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