PUA Tips: Top 4 tips on how to react when someone insults you

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PUA Picture find myself in this predicament ever so often, you can’t really live in a city like New York and not expect to come across at least one douche every now and then. So I’ve put together a list of a few ways I react to either diffuse a bad situation or avoid it entirely. The following are…

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1) Ignore them.

Sometimes when I find myself in an unfortunate altercation, I will merely pretend as though I didn’t even hear the aggressor. You’ll be surprised how well this works. People will just go about their business and I’ve even seen people block the rude one out of the conversation; even if they were friends.

Also if this is successful you might even become the dominant frame in the group. This is good – because if their are women in the group – it may make it easier to seduce them.

2) Cut them off.

Similar to ignoring them, it has the same effect. You basically out-alpha them and most guys aren’t going to say anything because they know they’ll look bad.

All you have to do is continue talking about whatever you want to talk about with someone else. Make sure to behave engaged as well so the jerk doesn’t decide to try to spew out more negativity.

3) Laugh about it.

Sometimes I’ll laugh and say something like,”Are you serious?” I might even follow up with “We’re all adults here” and change the topic. This is another example of holding your frame. In stead of giving the harasser the floor – you hold it and break the harasser’s frame by implying that we are all grown men. Most guys will fall into frame, unless you’re usually surrounded by psychopaths, but hopefully that’s not the case. If you hang out with bad company, then my best advice is that you stop.

4) Move on to another group.

If all else fails, then you should just move on to another set – that is if you aren’t with the group of people or are able to just leave. This is one of the reasons I prefer to just go out with myself most of the time.

If you are approaching often – like you should be – then you will come across a bad set (Set: Meaning group of people.). Just learn to have a thick skin and realize that many people aren’t as willing to accept people they don’t know as well as others.

So that about ends it for today…

When you go out enough and get reasonably experienced, then it will be hard to get mad with all the pussy you’re getting. So dodging douche-bags won’t be a problem. Well I hope this was able to benefit some of you. Thanks for reading and remember to go out and approach this weekend!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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