PUA Tips: 6 Ugly Dating Truths

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I was thinking the other day about this topic and figured I might put it up for everyone to enjoy. In the many years I’ve been machining my way through countless experiences with the opposite sex many realizations have come into play. Among all of them I’ve managed to piece together 6 notorious truths – brace yourselves…

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1. Those that give less of a damn usually determine the outcome of the relationship. No one wants to be the one chasing.

Yeah, life’s a bitch… get over it. Sometimes you win more when you stop caring too much about people; or at least until they show that they care substantially for you. Nevertheless women can care a lot for you at one point and be like “fuck this dude” a few moments later. The only real way to win is to just enjoy it while it lasts and if it doesn’t “oh well”.

2. No one talks on the phone anymore. Texting is the new mode of communication. Which isn’t much different from a pager in the 90’s – we just prefer to do it with a cell-phone.

The only real purpose of talking on the phone these days is to talk with other people that grew up in the age when people talked on phones – talk about a paradox. Quite frankly I’m not opposed to texting for the simple reason that you can send and receive pictures, but I’ll save that rant for when I want to write about how much I love getting women to send me photos provocateur.

3. Modern dating usually involves mind games like purposely taking hours or days to text back – how fun.

I don’t know how many times I have to play this game with American women. Yes the same games we played in grade school also apply to dating.

4. The sweet text you sent earlier did go through. Sorry but they intentionally didn’t respond and it had nothing to do with their cell-phone provider.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but being sweet is not always going to get you laid. Instead just give short answers and keep it straight to the point – you know like when you’re trying to explain something to a child.

5. You can know a woman for years and not know who she really is until you actual enter into a relationship with her.

When I think about this an experience pops into my mind from when a friend of mine met a cute little Irish girl he really was attracted to. After a month of seeing her he decided he wanted to get serious.

He dated her for about 3 months before beginning to realize that she was always getting calls from a certain number. One night he stays over at her place only to see the same number calling her phone while she was asleep.

He decides to answer it and guess who it was?

Her Madam.

6. With every new woman we meet we are either going to end up together forever or break up at some point or another. Unfortunately the ladder is going to be the most common.

There’s no other way to put it… you will lose most of the women you hook up with. The reality is that sleeping with a woman is just a start. Keeping them is a whole different ball game.

So there we have it…

I hope I was able to amuse some of you because I certainly amused myself with all that I was able to come up with. It’s so real how fast the dating world changes and I bet when I am ready to throw in the towel then everything will change even more.

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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