PUA Tips: Top 4 dating tips how women manipulate men

S-design-1 pua picture o a thought came to me the other day and it was I thought about how women manipulate men. I know I’ve covered this before but in this kind of topic I feel like there are so many details that I can’t cover everything in one post. Below are a few other points to add to the picture…

1) Guilt trip:

One thing women do a lot of is telling you “you would do this if you cared.” There are few others but I’m not going to get into detail – point is that they try to make you feel bad to get you to do something. When you see a girl doing this get rid of her; plain and simple.

2) Playing a victim:

I guess this kind of falls into guilt-tripping but it’s a whole different type of manipulation game. A lot of young girls do this and of course feminist minded ones as well. The only thing that should come to mind is that only the weak feel like victims and you don’t want to be in the house of the weak.

Instead look for a woman that has qualities that you want to develop or have yourself – could be something like Independence, Lots of discipline, highly motivated, etc. The better you get at walking away, the higher-quality women you’ll end up with.

3) Asking a lot of favors

You also have to worry about gold diggers or potential gold diggers. Given the right environment or situation any woman can switch to gold digger mode. So don’t be too easy to do favors and stay away from women that like asking a lot of favors. Women will take advantage if they see that they can.

4) Withholding sex:

Another big no, no on a woman’s part is when they start trying to manipulate you with sex. This should be a first indication to get the hell out of there. A relationship is built upon sex, if you want a successful relationship, then you need a woman the enjoys having sex with you.

One of the most obvious signs that a girl is a gold digger is when they don’t have sex, but for want to still stay with you. In this case she just wants you for what you can give her and most likely getting the sex elsewhere. You are basically the sugar daddy.

In conclusion…

There are a lot of women that get a kick out of using men – it is not a rare occurrence. It is actually extremely common, probably more common than women that actually respect men. So you need to follow these signs and protect yourself; otherwise you’ll just be played like a fool. Well that about wraps it up… make sure you guys are wrapping up and until next time!

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: 5 Dating Tips your Dad should have Taught you

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S-design-1 pua pictureo I was thinking to myself the other day about the fact that a lot of the people that are coming to me are asking questions their fathers really should have taught them. That being said… I’ve decided to leave everyone with just that knowledge that everyone’s father should have shared with them.

The following tips are…

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1. Don’t ever ask a girl if she likes you.

There is no faster way to turn a woman off then by asking them this ridiculous question. It shows that you doubt yourself and the number 1 thing women are most attracted to is, you guessed it, confidence.

2. Don’t talk too much.

I don’t know anyone that likes a blabber mouth and women definitely don’t either. Besides how masculine is it to behave this way; not very. Instead try to get her talking more than you – you can do so by asking positive and normal questions.

An example question would be something like:

What’s the story? Did you do anything excited this week?

Asking about events happening in a woman’s life is perfect. I do this all the time and most women will be more than glad to share what they have going on with you – even on a first date.

3. If you like a girl you have to be the one who asks her out.

This applies to all of you that are still stuck in your head and think that the perfect woman is just going to magically appear in your arms one day. Sorry but that just isn’t going to happen – you have to make it happen and that means getting up off your ass and approaching.

4. Never be ashamed of being yourself.

Be who you are, do what you do and don’t care if others don’t see eye to eye. Not everyone has to agree with you. If you don’t agree on something or your date doesn’t agree with you, then so what.

It’s not the end of the date if you don’t see things in a similar light oh well. You can still flirt and have fun – just focus on the things that you both enjoy.

5. If you don’t like her anymore then don’t continue dating her and vice versa.

This is one of realest pieces of knowledge anyone will ever tell you. If she isn’t making you happy, then say goodbye; even if it hurts. Staying with someone that you aren’t that into or that isn’t that into you is a recipe for heart-break on either yours or her end and trust me that will end in disaster. You’ll end up with a whole plethora of problems you could have avoided if you just ended it at the first sign of trouble.

There you have it… some blunt and straight to the point knowledge for all of you. I understand in the oh so ever-changing world that we all can have a wide range of upbringings which is exactly why I put this together. For whatever reasons the general male public is not being correctly educated in the facets of how to attract a mate these days.

I will always share what I’ve learned on this journey through my blog – so be sure to pay close attention. However most importantly go out and figure things out for yourself. You can start by doing just that now – so get out and meet some ladies!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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