Guest Posting: Make the “right” mistake: overdo it. -Dating tips by Josh Sway-

Make the “right” mistake: overdo it.

*Here are some helpful dating tips written by a good guy I know, whom is also very experienced in the craft of seduction. His name is Josh Sway, enjoy.*

A big part of the learning process in anything, not just seduction, is making mistakes. No one is perfect, and when it comes to the imperfect “science” of seduction, it’s impossible to come even close to being perfect. With that said, you can dramatically improve your game if, when you make mistakes, you make the “right” mistakes, the “right way”. For dating, the “right” way is usually to overdo it.


Explaining what a “right” mistake is versus a “wrong” mistake is most easily done by example. Here are a few that will get your mind thinking the right way when you are out there improving your skills.

1. Bad approaches versus few approaches

If you are struggling with your approach game, you want to be struggling because you are making bad approaches, not because you are not making approaches at all. Bad approaches can usually turn into good approaches with some practice and tweaking. No approaches isn’t turning into shit. If you are going to go home to your left hand. don’t go home to it because you didn’t even try. Go home to your porn directory because you approached 50 women but it just didn’t work out.

2. Creepy eye contact vs no eye contact

Similar to point #1, if you have trouble making eye contact, always err on the side of making too much creepy eye contact versus not making eye contact. Fixing being the guy who “stares too long” or gives “creepy stares” is WAY easier than fixing being the guy who can’t make eye contact to save his life.

3. Neediness

A lot of guys have trouble being “non-needy”, They meet some girl who is hotter than most girls they normally associate with and they turn into one of those lovable losers from a teenage romantic comedy. If you have neediness issues, err on the right side, that is, be too “non-needy”. If you aren’t sure if to text the next day or in two days, wait two days. If you aren’t sure if you should tell her how much you like her yet or not, don’t do it. Always err on the non-needy side if you aren’t sure. Being a little bit cold almost always works better than being a little too needy.

4. Moving too fast vs moving too slow

Those of you who regularly read my work know that I am a major proponent of moving quickly towards sex. Many guys are uncomfortable with this (inviting girls back to your place on the first date or on the first meeting) but guys, it is the right way to go. However, sometimes, you may end up going too fast for the girls comfort level. This is fine as long as you don’t force her to do anything she is not consenting and comfortable doing. It is a much better error to get the: “I think we are moving too fast” line (usually, that line is nothing more than token resistance anyways) than to take it too slow and see your chances vanish before your eyes, or worse, another guy getting in there, moving quickly, and fucking the girl you wanted.

5. Too high energy vs no energy

If you are a shy guy who needs to amp up his energy level. Don’t worry about going overboard. Being the guy who is “too high energy” and kind of annoying is way better than being the guy who just stands around doing nothing. If energy is your problem, worry about having a high energy level first, and then worry about how to calibrate what the right amount is.

These are just 5 of many other examples of the overdoing it vs not doing it principle. Your game will substantially improve when you start doing what you know you need to do with the risk of going too far instead of not doing it at all because you are afraid of going overboard.

Read more of Josh Sway’s work at

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PUA Comic: Funny comic about dating

Funny Comic about dating: Hopeless Romantic

I managed to spot this Comic online. Thought I’d share it.

I couldn’t help but laugh because I remember when I was less experienced and didn’t really understand how to get sex. I found myself in multiple situations like this. Hell, I even dated a girl for 2 months straight with no sex.

I don’t know if that was the message this comic was trying to send but that’s the one that was delivered to me. Anyway, I feel bad for this guy.

Although many women don’t consciously think this way, they unconsciously do. This is why I advise only investing your time in the women who value it and never going out on a limb for a girl unless she is willing to do the same for you.

Dating Advice

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What women want

What women want

So I just wanted to refresh the idea that the act of picking up women comes down to her initial interest. I find that women will typically go for the guy they are the most naturally attracted too. It isn’t solely whether you have money, looks, height, age, race, etc. I think it stems mainly from a combination of many factors which are all working together either for or against you.

Here I have a Model that shows the statistics of a number of women’s and men’s actions in comparison with each other:

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