PUA News: The Julien Blanc and RSD Controversy Update

The Julien Blanc and RSD Controversy Update:

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realize it’s been a month since Julien Blanc A. K. A. RSD Julien has been on CNN with regard to his overtly misogynistic conduct in Japan. Still, I had to share some news that I personally found to be very entertaining once I heard about it.

So I thought I’d personally fill in those who are curious around the backlash their mass media stunt created…

First issue they’re battling with is pretty scary if you think about it… The issue of basic safety. There are rumors circulating that RSD is considering moving their seminars to the internet. Which is actually a smarter idea if you think about it; less overhead, etc. But who knows… maybe they count on RSD Tyler’s very articulated and enlightening vocal abilities to drive in the masses… but I doubt it.

Honestly after being involved in ‘The Seduction Community’ as long as I have and meeting differing people from many distinct walks of lifestyle. I think it truly is only normal to need to be careful with who you meet in this world. That is actually one of the first things I considered when entering and I find it kind of funny that it took this long for Owen to recognize this.

Be that as it may, this is simply not the only matter that RSD is dealing with. Owen Cook, A. K. A. Tyler Durden or RSD Tyler, is coming under fire for his own array of misogynistic, sexist slurs that he uses in a number of his in-field video footage on Youtube.

In addition, there are some other, possibly exaggerated rumors going around about Owen bragging about raping a stripper. I bet at this time he is wishing that he planned out his advertising campaign a little better.

I don’t know what to say about this honestly…

All I know is it is seeming to turn into some type of modern day witch-hunt. Every powerful feminist influenced media entity is apparently having a hay-day pretending to be doing humanity some sort of favor by slamming down the judgement hammer on RSD. What I observe is RSD being made an example of. They have showed us what is going to happen if you don’t take precautions toward protecting yourself against the feminazi cults that are forming in modern-day society.

I guess this is just what happens when you reveal the fact that women love sex just as much as men, over the web too openly.

Among all the chaos, the world is now branding ‘Pick-up Artistry’ as nothing other than a sham…


Years ago a PUA who calls himself Gunwitch shoots a lady in the face in a drug deal gone wrong. Still even today our buddy ‘Gunny’ attempts to capitalize on the fact that he was briefly mentioned in The New York Time’s best-seller “The Game”. The handsome devil of whom we call ‘Gunwitch’ is featured in the picture below.

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It’s hard not to believe a face like that can’t have any woman of his choice…

I begin to wonder if RSD has this same fate lying in the not-too-distant future ahead of them. I guess we’ll find out in the next few years or so.

In conclusion…

Don’t ever let your ego get too out of hand, because if you do, then you will suffer the consequences. It’s ok to have your head in clouds, but make sure your feet always stay on the ground.

And if you haven’t read Neil Strauss’ “The Game: Penetrating the secret society of the pickup artists“, then I’ll give you the opportunity right here and now…

Just click the icon below to start reading “The Game” now.

That’s all I have for today, thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newsletter!

-PUA Redsky

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PUA News: The RSD Julien Pick-up Artist Controversy

PUA News: The RSD Julien Controversy

Hello everybody,

I know I already got into the Julien Blanc BS awhile back, but I had to get a little more in depth. I feel like this is some really bogus crap and the media blows everything out of proportion, once again, on an issue that seems like it’s going on forever.

I think it’s kind of funny how comedians can say far more degrading things about women, racial stereotypes and other things much more offensive. However, when a pick-up artist shows a clip of himself goofing around with a girl that he was already sexually involved with, all of a sudden he is a bad person.

Well I have something to say to that…

If it wasn’t for Julien then a lot of guys that, in my opinion, don’t even deserve to get laid; wouldn’t be getting laid. Nature would take it’s course; the rich, powerful and most genetically gifted men would be cleaning house and shy, timid men would end up with the fatties that no one wants. The rich and powerful would all be able to pet each other’s egos and everyone would still be listening to fake PUA’s like Sinn who can’t even fuck anything over a 7.

Thanks to Julien a lot of groundbreaking pick-up material has been introduced into the community.

Julien is a blessing to beta men all over the world, yet you see some of these hypocrites repremending him; when in fact they should be asking for advice. Julien has figured out what buttons to push in order to allow himself to conquer many women that a lot of us could only dream about.

Honestly I think that this crap is going down due to all the unhappy morons controlling the media, that are stuck in marriages with average or ugly looking women. A few assholes abusing their power, whom see Julien with hotter girls than the prostitutes these pathetic media morons pay for.

Leave our community alone!

It reminds me of a video of RSD Tyler asking a girl if she kisses girls and then jokingly calling her a slut and she laughs right after.

Next thing you know you got some drunk moron trying to play the hero, who is obviously jealous of the attention Tyler is getting and decides to start trying to bully Tyler with some self-righteous horse shit.

Here is the clip:

There are just too many bitter people out there that can’t control their jealousy and I really think something needs to be done.

The reality of the situation is that Julien is far more evolved of a human being than any of us when it comes to getting women. He understands things about women that some of us will probably never even come close to understanding.

People would rather sit back and believe that women are innocent little creatures that don’t have any desires and blame it on the “evil, corrupting” men. When in reality women have less control over their desires than men do.

In my own experience, I have been cheated on countless times in my past by ex girlfriends that I really liked. Many of which I never expected to cheat; yet throw a little alcohol into the equasion, while I’m stuck late at work and my supposed best friend is screwing her while I’m trying to make some money to pay the rent.

Whose fault is this?

Mine obviously…

Mine because I was foolish enough to believe the lies that society tries to tell us regarding how “INNOCENT” the opposite sex is.

The truth is…

Women don’t want to take responsibility for their actions.

They would rather believe that they can do no wrong, instead of just accepting that we are all whores.

Yes… I’m a whore… You’re a whore… We’re all a big, happy, slutty family.

And the energy being put into this has been clearly wasted.

In the meantime we have this going on in Gaza:

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Children starving to death in Syria…

Crackhead moms throwing their babies in dumpsters… I’ll spare you the picture.

Wtf man? And we are really going to freak out over some guy going out with some girl he is already romantically involved with, then putting her head in his crotch while the girl’s laughing and smiling.

Who the hell cares.

So getting back to my point, if I had one… If I personally knew who was in charge of the whole scheme of things related to shutting down Julien, then I wouldn’t even listen to what they have to say.

I would just bitch slap that pathetic piece of crap for diverting attention from the real issues in the world and putting that attention on someone that is helping more men than, the joke that feminism is, ever will.

It is a bit sad how our society has gotten to the point that a group of ignorant women can get together and bring down whoever they want. Just because they are bitter about guys that used them for sex in the past.

Guess what ladies… Get over it, it happens to all of us.

If women had to go through the same amount of rejection men have to go through, then I fear our species would become extinct.

What has this world come to?

Honestly, I don’t really even care, but I couldn’t keep quiet while seeing this crap on every medium; CNN, Facebook and that thing, that I don’t even understand how it’s still around, called Twitter.

So I think I’m done going on my rant and if you didn’t watch my personal commentary in the video at the top of the article, then watch it.

That’s all I got for everyone today and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newsletter!

Cheers to all and fuck feminism!

-PUA Redsky

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