PUA Tips: Top 5 dating don’ts

PUA Picture was browsing YouTube the other day and ran across the topic dating don’ts – so I thought I may add to the plethora of information covering this. The following dating don’ts that I came up with are…

Don’t brag.

I think this is one of the more obvious things, yet I still see guys doing it. Sorry to break it to some of you, but the more you give out about yourself the more dull you’ll seem.

Instead say as little as possible about yourself and allow her imagination to wander. The more mindfucked she is – the better. Be a mystery.

Don’t talk about an ex.

Talking about your ex in general is a bad idea – even worse if you talk bad about them. Unless asked, stay far away from this topic, it will only lead to trouble.

Don’t be too touchy feely

It’s important to break the touch barrier at some point, but don’t ever be in a rush to do so. Wait a bit until the girl has gotten comfortable around you first.

Build rapport and get her laughing. Maybe tell her to hold your arm when crossing the street sometime beforehand. After a drink or 2 pull her chair closer at a bar and look in her eyes. If she looks back, then move your face close to hers and see if she does the same.

If she does move in, get a kiss. From a kiss at least you have somewhere to start. Take your time though.

Don’t pay for everything.

Sorry to sound like such a pessimist, but chivalry is dead unless you’re already intimate with the girl. So one of the best ways to a girl’s respect is by asking her to get a round or 2 also.

Don’t wear too much cologne.

There is a happy medium between smelling of body odor and smelling like a midlife crisis. No more than 2 sprays on the neck and 1 on the wrist should be just fine. Anymore and you’ll keep anyone within a 20 foot radius far away from you.

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: Top 5 Principles of Day Game

PUA Picture don’t know some of you may be into Day game, so I figured I might as well bring up how when I first started out I did a great bit of Day game and still do. I find it to be the most efficient form of pickup when it comes to time and money.

If you aren’t a big fan of online game or don’t like blowing a ton of money at bars and clubs, then this is just the thing for you. Today I’m going to explain some principles that will make Day game much easier for most anyone. The following are…

1) Game in crowded places

I say this because you can approach a lot more targets, therefore getting a lot more numbers in a shorter period of time. Think of the Pareto principle… 20% of the women you approach will lead to something. So the more women you meet, then a higher amount of success. In short, the sooner – the better.

2) Pick targets carefully

This comes mostly down to compliance and reading body language. The simplest way to put this is if a girl is being difficult, then move on to someone else. If she is hesitant to go on a date with you then leave her be; there will be plenty more opportunity as long as you keep approaching new targets.

3) Have a game-plan for conversation

My game plan comes down to an acronym… this acronym is FORD. Ford stands for family, occupation, recreation and dreams. The idea is to focus on either of those topics and conversation will just flow. Ask her questions and talk about yourself as well – not much more to it.

4) Have a game-plan for logistics

Most of the time we go back to my place – if we’re going to hookup. Sometimes their place, but no more than 20% of the time. So because of this fact, I always meet the girl at a bar within a 15-20 minute cab ride from home. I have plenty of information on this in my books and in articles on my website as well.

5) Never go home empty-handed

When I say this I mean to make sure you’ve pushed as far as you can. That means if she gives you a kiss – try to touch her butt. If she lets you touch her butt – then try to finger her. If she allows fingering – then ask her to come home with you. So on and so forth.

So that covers that…

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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PUA Tips: The Straight Line Method

S-design-1 pua picture o some of you may or may have not heard of the straight line method. The straight line method is a sales technique created by the one and only Jordan Belfort. For those that don’t know who Jordan Belfort is he is the real person that Leonardo Dicaprio played in the movie Wolf of Wall Street.

His method can be applied to face-to-face interactions with a potential significant other. It is persuasion – sales is persuasion – therefore it can be applied to convincing a person to come home with you or for other things one may have in mind.

This how it works…

The 3 tenets of the Straight Line Persuasion system:

The 3 tenets to success of the Straight Line Persuasion system are:

1) Developing rapport with the target.

First and foremost, you must get her enjoying conversation. You can learn about this in my books or read some of the articles on my website for more details.

2) Asking specific questions to gather intelligence and to understand if you both want the same thing.

A few examples could be:

“Who are you with?” (Determine if she is available)

“Can I get your number?” (Test compliance)

“I’m leaving – do you want to come with?” (Get more compliance)

3) Controlling the target by keeping it on the straight line (Every time she tries to take the conversation away from the goal by talking about something irrelevant you quickly bring it right back).

A few examples could be:

-After kissing, keeping the vibe sexual through conversation or touching.

-Isolating for sex when buying temperature is high enough.

*You can also learn about this in my books or read some of the articles on my website for more details.


Buyers vs non-buyers

One of the most important goals as a seducer is to find the right targets to speak to so you can weed out the people who aren’t right. One of the best ways to do this is by testing for compliance. This information is available in my books or some of the articles on my website as well.

So that about does it…

Keep all this information in mind the next time you are trying to persuade a target to go home with you. You might be surprised to see how effective this can be. Now that’s about it – thanks for reading and have a great week!

In addition, here is my book for everyone; there’s some very useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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