Pick-up and Sword-making (Introducing PUA Dragunov)

Pick up and Sword Making:

Pick-up and Sword Making

Here is a post by a Local New York City PUA that I game with, whom is quite skilled. He is doing us the honor to help provide some quality insight to this Blog, enjoy!

Many men in pick up seem to be focused on acquiring and using magic bullets. What is a magic bullet? Essentially this term refers to a word, phrase or tactic that when used will instantly cause the target to feel massive amounts of attraction and all but beg the user to sleep with her. Panty Droppers. Quick Fixes. Pick up lines… A lot of guys think/hope that all it takes to attract a woman is the clever implementation of a series of high percentage lines and/or gestures. And that’s it. Game over. Victory.

The hard truth is that Pick Up and becoming successful at pick up is so much more complicated and personally involved than that. Pick is not about memorizing techniques, it’s about walking a path. Pick up is about evolution. And evolution takes time. When discussing biological evolution, it takes millions of years for even small phenotypic changes to take place in an organism. While evolution in the personal development sense does not have quite as protracted a course, it is by no means instantaneous.

Becoming a good PUA is akin to the process of forging a good sword. When making a sword, a piece of steel is heated, hammered, folded, and cooled over and over and over again. In the case of the best sword, the katana, this process is repeated literally tens of thousands of times.

Trying to pick up girls with magic bullets and lines is like pouring molten steel into a mold that is in the shape of the sword, and then taking that thing that looks ostensibly like a sword and trying to do battle with it. As soon as that sword shaped piece of steel clashes against something real, something strong, it will shatter. A person using openers, routines, lines and throwing in a few negs here and there, is a man who is shaped like a PUA, but at the core, really isn’t one. He can say some of the things that a PUA might say, but will crack under the pressure of a shit test, or amog, or a stretch of awkward silence or a pull that isn’t going a hundred percent smoothly.

Alternatively, a properly forged sword remains intact when it clashes against the enemy’s steel. Similarly, a legitimate PUA can take on rejection, shit testing, amogging, awkwardness and logistical obstacles. When battle tested, the best PUA’s, the Katanas always prove their mettle, their strength, are never shattered by even the hardest blow, and always keep it together. If you want to be the katana of pick up, you must hone your craft over time by continuously and consistently reading material, approaching almost daily, doing game in different settings (day game, night game, clubs, parks, coffee shops, etc, etc), risking getting rejected, putting up with rejection, going on day 2s, trying to pull, working with different wingmen, trying different styles, and coming home and taking meticulous notes on all of the above. You must be completely consumed by pickup. You wanna get good, you have to be obsessed. It can’t be a hobby, it has to be a way of life.

Who makes a better sword, the Hattori Hanso (kill bill) who has committed his mind, body, and soul to crafting the strongest and sharpest blades on the planet, or some guy who likes making swords when he has free time on the weekend? This has to be the way you view pick up. You have to ask yourself “how badly do I want it”. If you only kinda want it, then you’re not going to be able to stick it through the tough times. You won’t be consistent. You will be a brittle sword. If you want it so bad that you would be willing to chop of your index finger with a rusty spoon just to get a number, then you will have the fervor to push through when a girl you think is super cute, treats you like you are less than nothing or when you are getting rejected for the 10th time in a row, or when your last 3 day 2s all flake on you . You are going to have to put up with a lot of shit but we all know what the rewards are and the rewards are…Well fucking awesome. So get out there young swordmaker and heat, hammer, fold, hammer, and cool. Become the Katana.

-PUA Dragunov

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