PUA Tips: Top 6 best dating tips for finding the right woman

The right woman pua picture

pua pictureow today I figured I would put together some content for the other branch of men out there that aren’t exactly up for the whole player lifestyle and just want to find a great woman that they can fall in love with. In other words a woman that is beautiful, sweet, loyal and will be there til the end of each other’s lives.

Since I’ve found this a few times already I think I can give some decent advice on the topic. Before anything I must say that these women are not common and you’ll crash, burn and fall a lot until you finally find one. Nevertheless I can tell you all that it’s definitely worth the time spent searching because they will give you a taste of just how wonderful the opposite sex can be – even in the dreadful era of feminism.

So to get on with it I’ve listed 5 tips we all can pay attention to that will allow us to sift through the women who are not worth our time…

Girl with attitude pua picture

1) She answers your texts in a timely manner if she is available to do so:

Yes sometimes women are busy or have their phones in their purse on vibrate, but after dating them for awhile you will get an idea of what their schedules are like and have an idea for when they shouldn’t have any issue answering.

A lot of women these days will say that they have no obligation to answer sooner than later – which is true. However I am not coming from an obligatory perspective; I’m coming from a perspective of a woman that genuinely wants to be with a man. And if a woman genuinely wants to be with a man they will want to keep him happy and have no problem being considerate of his feelings.

2) She doesn’t look for meaningless reasons to argue:

If you find yourself constantly having to calm a woman down because she is constantly getting her feelings hurt, then tell that mental case to get hell out of the house. Not only is this childish and primitive behavior, but it is not healthy. You will stress yourself out and maybe even increase your risk of heart attack or stroke in the long term. Women like this are dangerous and you should avoid them at all costs.

3) She feels bad when you feel bad:

Let’s say you had a death in the family, we all will have this at some point, she should be capable of acknowledging your suffering or being vicarious. A woman that expects you to be strong at all times is either dense or delusional and has no real meaning to her life.

4) She chooses to see you over her friends:

This is a very amazing quality to find in a female in particular. If you are lucky enough to find a girl that you really like and one that will put you before her friends, then she’s a keeper.

5) She doesn’t talk to other men when around you unless you are alright with it:

This is also a rare quality of women; at least in the west. If you find a girl that won’t talk to other guys, when you are out with her, then she obviously has a great deal of respect for you. Learn to appreciate this and understand that women only do this when they really appreciate a certain man in their life.

6) She likes having sex with you:

This is a big deal and I don’t care what anyone thinks. If you’re seeing a woman that doesn’t enjoy having sex with you, then you’re with the wrong girl. Sexual compatibility is not only important but necessary.

So if you begin to notice that your sex life is going to hell after a couple of months, then by all means find a new girlfriend. You are not only wasting your time, but in the long run your self-confidence will suffer from it as well.

Think about it this way: Sexual compatibility is 50% of the relationship and everything else is the other half. You can’t have a healthy relationship without good sex – so don’t kid yourself. If your girlfriend is not ecstatic to get frisky with you every time you are together then dump her and never look back.

Last off…

I can tell anyone with a straight face that the majority of women we meet, for most of us, will fade out and turn into nothing more than mere memories. So I advise you all not to allow yourself to get hung up on any one girl if she doesn’t seem completely into you.

If she has even a little bit of hesitation for seeing you then kick her to the curb. No relationship should be one-sided and since men seem to be getting the short end of the stick these days, then there is no reason any of us should be tolerating any selfishness or nonsense.

All that matters in the end is that you are a good guy that is going to work hard to be the best you can in this life. If she chooses to be part of it then she should have the ability to empathize with the fact that it takes 2 to tango and it’s not just up to the guy to kiss her ass – she must be willing to reciprocate.

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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