PUA Tips: Top 4 dating tips to become a dating champion

Dating-champion pua picture

A-design-1 PUA pictures I sit here in my room today after just getting back from a random one-night stand last night. I sit here and come to share 4 concepts that I’ve recently pondered thay will get those of you that are struggling a boost of success.

The following are…

Sucessful dating pua picture

1) Get your life in order.

This is pretty cut and dry… get your shit together. This means getting a job where you have enough money to go out on the weekends. It means getting a gym membership and eating healthy. It means learning how to behave in front of people because you read books like mine. Last of all, it means getting plenty of sleep so you have energy to go out while approaching women.

2) Don’t be overly competitive.

Learn to just go with the flow and don’t dwell on the little shit. Instead think about things this way… If something isn’t going to benefit you 5 years from now then it isn’t worth worrying about.

3) Don’t have high expectations.

I like to enjoy the moment when I’m with a woman. I like to sit there and appreciate the fact that I am usually busting my ass when I’m not with her. So since I don’t always have the chance to hang out with a hot woman I am going to relish it and make the best of the experience.

4) Take some risk.

When I say this I mean to not be afraid to approach a woman that’s really attractive to you wherever you see her. I would avoid work, but most places are fine. You never know if you had an opportunity until you’ve gone for it; that goes for making a move on a date as well.

To add…

This advice is also to help motivate you all to achieve a more productive lifestyle as well. Yes you can get women without having your life in order but you are still not doing anything that improves you as a person.

I myself don’t want to be that random dead-beat that mooches off of women only to be looked down on as the loser some girl got stuck on. I like to be someone that her, her friends and family can look at as the successful and intelligent guy she is with. So pay extra close attention to number 1 and….

Don’t stop going out!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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