PUA Tips: Top 4 conversation Starters

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W-design-1 pua pictureell back once more and today I have some helpful information for everyone. I thought I would get into the topic of openers. Since the very first skill to master is the approach, I thought putting together a list of good openers could be useful. The following are…

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1) “Hey, what’s your name?”

Pretty simple and straight to the point. She may reply with the same quesion, but at least you got her talking to you. Just be sure to look her in the eye and stand tall – don’t let your confidence wain.

9 times out of 10 a woman loses interest because a guy shows some subconscious sign if mental weakness. This could be failing to hold eye contact, studdering or just looking too anxious. Learn to just relax and live in the moment.

2) “We haven’t been introduced – I’m (Name).”

I like this one for a single reason and that is because you never hear anyone talk like that – so you come across original. Women respond well to originality; the more original you are then the more interesting you’ll be perceived.

3) You look like you’re from (Country, City, State, tec.).”

Although some may advise that making assumptions about others can offend some people, I still have no problem doing so. The way I see it, is If she was to get offended by me making assumptions, then she will be offended by almost anything. So it’s better to find out who she is first than waste my time and find out later that she was a bitch.

4) “Nice (Flamboyant article of clothing). Hi, I’m (Name).”

I find it fairly obvious to mention a flashy addition to someone’s outfit in conversation. They clearly wore it to be noticed, so they will probably feel a sense of satisfaction when someone takes notice. This is usually a great way to make an above mediocre impression – just make sure not to say something stupid after and kill the vibe.

On top of this…

It’s important to focus on the other issues I discussed in previous articles – such as eye-contact, smiling, etc. What is being said is just constituent of pickup; it’s important you work on the delivery as well. You can master the delivery with practice, but in order to do that, you need to keep going out! So get on it!

To finish off, here is my newest book for everyone; some useful information in here. This book is called…

The Definitive Book of Seduction“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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