PUA Tips: The 3 basic Fundamentals for Successful Dating

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S-design-1 pua pictureo today I thought I would talk about something a little new and try to help all you readers out there see things from a new perspective. I know there are a lot of people out on the internet trying to over-complicate dating and that’s why I’ve decided to break it all down into 3 basic fundamentals.

And these are…

Fundamentals of dating piano pic

1) You have to go out.

That’s right! So stay the hell away from online dating and go to a bar or do some day-game. You can’t just stay home and expect everything to be fine and dandy because you are missing out on some prime-grade hotties that you could be railing. Remember the more that you go out then the higher of a chance that you’re going to get laid and you’ll rack even more lays up on top of that obviously.

2) You must stay persistent.

Yes… don’t just get a girl’s number and never follow up. At one point I just sat around and waited for the most interested women to text me, which still works, but you still are missing out on the other women that were also interested – who may have just had hang-ups about texting guys. So following up is a must!

3) You need to learn to let go.

There will come a time when things just aren’t doing it for your current booty call anymore. You will need to understand, as an experienced player, the majority of the women you meet will move on and want to leave you at some point.

Yea it hurts, but it’s just part of the process. Instead of dwelling on your loss just enjoy it for what it was worth and understand that not everyone is meant to be together forever. The better you get at letting go, then the easier it will be for you to move on to the next lovely lady. Don’t worry you will eventually meet a few that will want to stick around. I still have some girls that I stay in touch with that I’ve known for years and that will still have sex with me; it does happen.


I am not trying to say that dating in general is easy, because it’s not, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The emotional side to it is just brutal… you’ll experience lots of pain and I am sure we are all aware of this already.

However there is light on the other side of the tunnel. I’ve said this before so I’ll say it again… you will experience a lot of women that don’t give a fuck about you before you meet one that does. Nevertheless you will find some great women out there that will make the search feel like it was worth it – so never give up. And that’s all I have for today, now man the fuck up and go out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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