PUA Tips: New Rules of Dating

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A-design-1 PUA picture lot of us have been raised with the old-school hypergamy principles that pretty much tell us to go to school, become successful and find a woman to settle down with. However the world is constantly changing one generation to the next and having the white picketed fence is not necessarily what will bring everyone a sense of contentment in this age.

These days many of us can lead completely arbitrary lifestyles and still have no issues with achieving a satisfying dating life. You don’t need money and you don’t really even need a fancy degree from a great university (Although I do urge everyone to pursue a higher education regardless.) You do however need a stable sense of self worth.

I am going to list a few guidelines for the changing world that I think everyone should pay attention to when it comes to creating a connection with your newfound female friends. The following are…

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1) Never let a woman compare you to other men:

This is a shit-test if you think about it. When a woman brings up another guy in conversation, then she is testing you. She is testing to see if you become insecure and the way you need to react is not by acting as though you are unphased – like many dating instructors will probably tell you.

The correct way to react is by simply saying that you do not see any reason to be talking about other men while she is on a date with you. If she has a big problem with that then just leave.

The many generations that us men have allowed the feminist propaganda to manifest in our society needs to come to an end. Women need to re-learn to respect their male counter-parts and the only reason to change this is by not allowing them to play such ridiculous games as we have for the past 50-60 years.

A self-respecting man will sacrifice a chance of sex to preserve their own integrity. A woman that feels the need to subject a man to a phony mind-fuck does not deserve a dignified man’s attention anyway.

2) Focus on commonalities 80%:

I can tell you from my own personal experience that the more a woman feels they have something in common with you, then the better the bond. So find some common ground and focus on those things as much as possible on your dates.

But be actually interested in learning about this woman across from you and not just going through the motions to get her in bed. Be a good listener, don’t be critical and respect how she feels about certain things even if you don’t agree.

3) Quit using dating apps and go out:

Fuck tinder, fuck Okcupid and all the other garbage they keep coming out with. Quit allowing technology to make things easier for us. Develop your social skills with good, solid work ethic. Go out! Go out! And Go out!

4) Fuck astrology and be in the moment:

I hate when I hear a woman bring up some astrology nonsense and try to tell me or one of my friends who we are compatible with. Astrology is hogwash and I have had many great experiences with women I am “not compatible with” according to our astrological signs.

5) Don’t be afraid to put a woman in her place when she is treating you unfairly:

Since the rise of the feminazi campaign many women have been miseducated in a way that has them thinking it is ok to mistreat men. We’ve been raped by the justice system through marriage alimony, unfair rates for child support and in the end the judge always gives the women whatever they want.

These facts are so blatantly obvious yet many naive men are still going out of their way to be the white knight that most women is our modern society do not deserve. So we must make an effort to change this norm to a much more realistic norm. One where we are once again looked upon as a valuable entity and not just a cash machine.

Therefore we must speak our mind when necessary. Tell them they are wrong and present a valid argument. Do so with a stern demeanor and if she has a hard time accepting this, then leave and don’t even waste another word on them. Instead move on to another woman that deserves your attention.


We are in a constant state of change: Every 5 years our metabolism slows, we grow older, we become wiser and we lose energy. The only way to survive this journey we call life is by always keeping our minds in the right place.

We will meet a lot of women along the way that will overall just waste our time. Never have expectations for more than you can offer and those special women will, in time, choose to stick around. And when they do you should cherish them.

Now that’s all I have for today. Remember never stop working on yourselves and keep going out!

To finish off, here is my first book for anyone that hasn’t read it already; some useful information in here. The book is called…

Street Game: Day Game Tactics“.

Just click the icon below to begin reading now…

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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