PUA Tips: 3 Things that will help you understand women better

3 Things that will help you understand women better:

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was watching the third “Hobbit” movie the other day and a thought occurred to me during of the love scenes. I was analyzing how the love scene made me feel and realized that it had the opposite effect on me as it did on my girl.

To reiterate, women tend to fall into these trances when a man is behaving in a romantic way; whether it be in a movie, in a book or in real life. To better understand how to recreate these scenarios, as well as understand women better; I decided to list 3 exercises that will help you get a better understanding for women. These activities will also give you examples of what women are truly looking for on a date.

The 3 exercises are…

#1-Read romance novels:

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Books like 50 shades of grey are great for getting a front row seat to the kinds of sexual fantasies that a lot of women think about. It can actually get pretty demented and twisted, but still many of these girls I date ask me to email them a copy of that book series; which must mean something.

I think romance novels paint a picture and outline exactly how many women want to be seduced. Plus 50 shades of grey is commonly bought by many men as well, so there is no shame in reading it.

#2-Watch movies you hear women talk about all the time:

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I would say a good example for this is “Interview with the vampire”. Yes, this is another fun choice. Not only do you get to see Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise act their corniest, but you get to see exactly what kind of corny crap women want you to do.

Yet this is still an educating experience if you want to see first-hand what women are attracted to; as far as behavior and the actual seduction process. I’m not trying to say you need to mimic their Shakespearian way of speech, just focus on their assertiveness and push/pull type of antics.

#3-Watch interviews of iconic male actors:

Funny PUA picture brad pitt

A given… and I’ve suggested it many moons before. So get on Youtube and start watching Chris Hemworth and even his brother Liam. Other good choices are Robert De niro or Dwayne Johnson.

No… don’t watch Justin Bieber.

Now on a final note…

These are all exercises that will snap your mind into a more realistic idea for behavior that will emphasize the small differences of which make and break you in the dating world.
Pay attention, relax and let your mind wander as you observe. I even pick up a few useful one-liners from time to time.

I also included both “Interview with the Vampire” and “50 shades of Grey” below to make things easier.

Just click one of the icons below to start reading “50 Shades of Grey” or watching “Interview with the Vampire” now.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the GBTN Newsletter!

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-PUA Redsky

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